HAIK: The Truth Regarding our Elections

Editor’s Note: a guest post from Louisiana Republican State Central Committee member Christy Haik, in response to a post earlier this week at The Hayride by M. Fulton Robicheaux. That post can be found here.

On Saturday, the 11th of January, the Republican State Central Committee took up a resolution regarding the capability to conduct a complete recount in all Louisiana Elections. A Call to Action was put out to hundreds of Louisiana Citizens who are members of a citizen’s advocacy group. The CTA was to inform the citizenry of the resolution and to urge them to contact the RSCC members in order to solicit support for it. The response was so overwhelming, that, much to everyone’s surprise, there were some disgruntled members of that body complaining of their inboxes being ridiculously full.

They were annoyed at the bother instead of being concerned about the content. You can read a copy of the resolution here.

To those of us who have been nonstop working on Election Integrity for the last 4 years (yes, Mr. Robichaux, our education was from bipartisan Cyber Data Analysts, not the Digital Elections Infrastructure Vendors, or DEI for our purposes here), the voices of those citizens who jammed up the committee member’s inboxes were a referendum on the extreme concern that a majority of Louisianians have about Election Integrity.

The fact is, President Trump, Elon Musk, the RNC and many others, have made their Election Integrity Agenda crystal clear again and again: hand-marked paper ballots counted at the precinct level with results delivered on Election Night.

“M. Fulton Robichaux” seems not to know this fact, among so many others.

Or perhaps his talking points come directly from the vendor? Because they do, and they are exactly the same as are being heard across the country, gaslighting citizens with factually inaccurate “information” regarding digital elections.

Why Paper Ballots?

  1. With ANY machine, currently in existence, old or new, the software inside is what counts your votes. That software is proprietary. Meaning the Digital Elections Infrastructure Vendors’ (DEI) software counts all votes entered on a machine. These companies are hedge-fund owned, private entities, whose ownership and financials have been and remain, undisclosed. Meaning a foreign country could be behind what is actually counting our Louisiana votes.
  2. Louisiana is the ONLY state in the U.S. that cannot audit our elections. There is no way to audit proprietary software. The only auditable votes are mail-in ballots which account for a tiny percentage of all votes. With machines, voter’s intentions remain hidden, because the machines only produce a report of the total votes cast. There are no actual ballots to verify what was cast. A good analogy of this would be, that at the end of day, a cashier counts only how many bills are in the cash register but doesn’t record the denominations. It could have been 20 hundred dollar bills ($2000), or 20 one dollar bills ($20), but all the report says is 20 bills were counted. The next day, the owner finds 20 $1 bills in the register. Did his employee steal from him? No one knows. A sham audit would say all is well, there were 20 bills…
  3. Article 11 section 2 of our Louisiana Constitution states: “Ballots shall be counted publicly.” As we have no ballots, counted publicly or otherwise, our elections are unconstitutional. This is currently the topic of a court case – Callais v. Hadsky et al. Stay tuned.
  4. Donald Trump has stated that paper ballots cost 8% of what machines do. Jeff Landry’s LA DOGE most assuredly does not support more unnecessary wasting of funds. We want more secure, less expensive!
  5. With the Ballot Marking device (BMD), for which our SoS is currently advocating, you get a receipt. Which is more than we have now. However, the printout receipt may reflect your vote, but you have no way of knowing how the machine actually counted it. Some have tried to say that it is like a grocery store receipt. The difference is, with a grocery receipt, one has the groceries to account for the receipt record. With the BMD, there is no way to see the “groceries” (voter’s intent in the machine), so one must just “believe” the receipt. It is not legitimate. Complete Kabuki Theater.

We should be demanding the oversight that We The People deserve, as there is no more fundamental civil right than our vote. We must take back control of our own elections with a decentralized system, the way it used to be and still should, not handing them over to some third-party vendor.

There is NO more important issue than Election Integrity, because if we don’t have that, NO other issue matters!!!

The issue of Election Integrity is one of the most critical parts of President Trump’s agenda as he himself has stated so often. If one does not support his ENTIRE agenda, one may be what my group has labeled as a “MINO”- MAGA In Name Only. As for you, Mr. Robichaux, I will give you the grace to assume that you support President Trump, but it surely sounds to me as if you may be a MINO. My prediction is that with Trump back in office, your MINO stance will not age well.


Christy Haik




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