Troy Brown Has Proved Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt That He’s Unfit For Public Office…

…and can’t be put back into the private sector fast enough.

This morning we had to watch a spectacle unfold in the state senate’s special committee to discipline Brown for his multiple no-contest pleas regarding domestic abuse of both his wife and his mistress, a spectacle in which his lawyer Jill Craft unfurled motion after motion in an attempt to delay the inevitable. The votes on Craft’s dilatory gambits foretold her embattled client’s future – she put forth request after request to pry into the communications of Senators regarding Brown’s case, and even went so far as to demand the committee subpoena every state legislator charged with so much as a misdemeanor to testify and be cross-examined at one of the committee’s hearings.

And lost a lopsided vote on each and every one.

There seems little chance the Senate won’t vote to expel Brown. Even Brown understands this and admitted as much this morning.

So why doesn’t he attempt to preserve some semblance of dignity and resign? Here’s what he said on that subject…

This is a lie, as there are multiple online petitions demanding he resign, and certainly many of the participants in those reside in his district. Our pal Patrick Mulhearn, the executive director at Celtic Studios who came to fame of sorts thanks to his efforts during and after the August 2016 flood in Baton Rouge, is a constituent of Brown’s (and a rumored candidate for that seat should it come open) who has been anything but quiet in his condemnation of Brown and preference that he step down. A taste…

mulhearn on brown

Brown knows Mulhearn isn’t the only detractor in the district.

Here’s the thing – everybody who’s in the legislature complains, and rightly so, that it’s a lousy job for nonexistent pay. In 2008 there was a massive outcry among the public over the question of the legislature voting itself a pay raise, and even today those who voted for it still catch a lot of grief. We at the Hayride are open to the idea that the legislature might profit greatly from a significant pay increase – as larger compensation would seemingly produce a better class of candidates and perhaps better legislation.

While that might be a tangent of sorts, what it leads us to is this. Why would anybody put themselves through the humiliation of this proceeding when the outcome is readily apparent, and negative? Just resign. It’s a lousy job for lousy pay, and nobody wants you to do it anymore. Why keep fighting for a lost cause? Get out of the way and let somebody else put his life on hold for three months every year.

But Brown refuses to do that. Not only is he going to take up the Senate’s time, which the taxpayers have to pay for, with an expulsion proceeding everyone knows will result in his departure from the Senate, but he actually has Craft filing a petition in court in order to force a restraining order that keeps him in office.

All for what? A job the only benefit of which is political power over one’s fellow man?

Cincinnatus this guy is not. He’s precisely the kind of person who should not be in politics. May his expulsion come soon – or his enlightenment and resulting resignation come sooner.



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