BOYD: Here’s How A Trump-skeptic Grades Trump’s First Year In Office

This week, President Donald Trump won his first major legislative victory. He signed the GOP’s tax bill into law. The legislation caps a hectic and very controversial first year for Trump.

I was not a Trump supporter during the primaries. I even left the Republican Party after Trump was nominated. After Trump’s election as president, I remained skeptical of Trump. But I decided to give Trump a chance.

Unfortunately, there have been some things that continue to give me pause from Trump. He should give up the Twitter account and he shouldn’t punch down to his critics. Trump is the President of the United States and he does not have to answer every criticism thrown his way. I would also prefer it if Trump stayed out of the cultural issues of the day.

Other than all of that, it’s clear that Trump has gotten a lot accomplished in his first year of office. Most importantly, most of these accomplishments are good for the country. If I had to grade President Trump’s first year in office, I would have to give him a B-.

Let’s start with the tax bill Trump just signed into law. The tax bill will give a long overdue lowering of corporate tax rates from 35%, which were among the highest in the world, to 21%. The vast majority of Americans will receive a tax cut as well. Finally, it will stop subsidizing high tax states such as California and New York and force the citizens of those states to bear the consequences of their poor fiscal decisions.

The tax bill alone would earn Trump high marks but there was more. It is safe to say President Trump has declared war on the regulatory state. The Trump administration has gotten rid of $8.1 billion worth of regulations. The administration is on track to eliminate even more regulations.


In addition to cutting taxes and regulation, the administration has struck a blow to Obamacare. The tax bill contained a repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate. This ends the practice of forcing Americans to buy health insurance.

President Trump has also quietly won a war. ISIS in Iraq and Syria has been all but destroyed. This was done without a massive infusion of American troops and a shooting war against the Syrian government.

Finally, Trump appointed a constitutionalist judge in Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. If Trump appoints similar justices to the bench, there is an opportunity to restore some sanity to the bench.

President Trump has accomplished a lot in his first year. More importantly, he has accomplished enough to please this Trump skeptic.



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