Y’All Heard How There Were All Those Folks Protestin’ ALEC?

Y’all know what ALEC is, right? That’s that fascist-corporate group that writes all kinds of laws givin’ away the store to big evil multinational companies.

Or somethin’.

But lately the media has been pickin’ up on the fact that lots of lefties are makin’ a stink about ALEC. They’re sayin’ ALEC kills democracy, and so on.

And the stink has scared away some of those evil multinational companies – Intuit, Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, McDonald’s and some others – who used to be members and have since run for the hills for fear Rachel Maddow would say mean things about ’em.

Or somethin’.

Except those lefties who wanna shut ALEC down? They’re not exactly the Million Man March. Or the Tea Party. Or even a Tulane football crowd.

OK, maybe a Tulane football crowd.

Via Twitchy.

Maybe the Coke and Mac & Cheese and Quickbooks and Big Mac people ought to rethink their retreat. Because if 15 slobs with big pencils and bad haircuts can change their policies, they’re gonna find themselves flip-floppin’ like landed fish on the deck every few months.

I dunno. You tell me. Because I’m thinkin’ these clowns are overrated. Call me crazy.

And in advance of said clowns comin’ here to blow up the comments and give us the screed about how ALEC is evil, let’s set some ground rules. First, let’s have you prove that ALEC does lobbying – ’cause they don’t. Second, let’s have you explain why the immediate past president of ALEC was a Democrat if it’s such a far-right organization. And third, let’s have you explain why it’s OK for unions and race-baiters to pressure state leges on this bill or that but an organization that wants to promote the free market and private enterprise and all the rest of the stuff Obama hates doesn’t have the right to get together.

There. Go to it, freaks. And you better come with the A game.



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