The Best VW Commercial Yet?

Volkswagen got a bit of a rise out of its Super Bowl ad with the happy new owner sporting a Jamaican accent that some in the politically-correct fascist crowd called racist – and everybody else thought was great.

But this new spot might put that one to shame…

Nobody’s going to say this one’s offensive, right?

What does it for me is the background music in the convenience store. It’s not garden-variety elevator music. It’s the Trololo song – the finest in Soviet musical entertainment (and, as it turns out, the world’s best example of how government censorship, which is political correctness taken to its logical conclusion, dumbs down artistic expression until there’s nothing left).

Does that represent VW’s ad agency, Deutsch Media, getting in a subtle dig at the hacks who attacked the Jamaican-accent spot? I’d love to think so, but this was probably in the pipeline long before the scolds intruded on the Happy.

Maybe it just worked out that way. But if not, it’s brilliant.

It’s a funny ad anyway, and it makes sense. A VW convertible is so much fun you’ll keep the top down even when it’s freezing.



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