Louisiana’s Red Ink Woes Persist

What’s The Most Ridiculous Louisiana Lawsuit? You Decide.

Thank God For The ACLU

Pay Increases Don’t Stand A Chance With Next Year’s Legislature

Scary Tales From The Courts

Iberia DA Charged by Attorney Ethics Board

Clarity Is Coming On Obamacare

Louisiana One Step Closer to Coordinated-Care Networks for Medicaid

POLL: Statewide Consensus Backs Lawsuit Reform

Sound Legal Climate Essential For A Healthy Job Market

The ExxonMobil-Julia Field Lawsuit Doesn’t Make Sense, Unless You Understand What Obama Wants

In Which I Side With The ACLU Against Bobby Jindal…

The Sad Case Of The Electric Dopehead In Houma

It’s Turrible What They’re Doing To Norman

Seesaw laws and missing merry-go-rounds

BREAKING: The Monks Win It

Legacy lawsuits more about making green than being green?

Longhorn State Gets Tougher On Lawsuits; Will Louisiana Follow Suit?

Iberia District Attorney Under Fire

Our Business Climate Matters