This And That From SRLC’s Afternoon Session

First, here’s Bobby Jindal’s speech from this afternoon, in a nutshell:

“A word of warning to GOP staffers, you may want to stay away from Bourbon Street. Just a little advice.”

Jindal’s speech was a pretty good one, though it was his usual cheerleading deal about how well Louisiana’s doing. We hear it all the time, but the out-of-staters seemed to like it and the reaction generally was that he’s better than he looked when he gave the rebuttal to President Obama’s 2009 congressional address.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council also gave a pretty rousing address, but it was also the kind of speech the left will pounce on and decry all conservatives as bigots and homophobes and so on. A couple of highlights…

“A word of caution: The Republican Party must resist the temptation of thinking the present woes of the Democratic Party translates into an automatic political windfall for the GOP. Republican candidates and the Party must regain and retain the trust of voters.”

“We are right to focus on the economy and shrinking the ever expanding size of government – but we must realize we can never shrink the size of government without first strengthening the American family. In the absence of strong families the chaotic landscape becomes prime real estate for big, intrusive government.”

(on gays in the military): “America has the best equipped, the best trained and most experienced military in the history of the world – we owe it to these men and women who serve to not let this administration turn them into camouflaged guinea pigs for their radical social experiments.”

Here’s Rick Perry’s speech, by the way – watch it and see if you don’t think the same thing we do:

And Sarah Palin was, well, Sarah Palin.

Of all the speeches, Palin earned the biggest reaction from the crowd, but Perry probably helped himself more than anybody.

More from SRLC this evening.



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