Here we go. From the former CEO (from 1997 to April 2010) of the Louisiana Association of Non-Profits comes a letter in the Advocate today decrying Gov. Jindal and calling the CATO Institute a “right-wing organization that relishes in short-sighted decisions.”
Melissa Flournoy, today’s whiner, goes on to complain about the cuts to Higher Education (not once bringing up the fact we have too many four-year universities for our population and graduation rates), and then whines about Jindal and Republicans being proud of “cutting essential services”. (TRANSLATION: Cutting appropriations of public tax dollars to non-profits while in a recession.)
It seems that Gov. Jindal does not care about the future of Louisiana or your children’s future. He cares only about his own next election, positioning in the Republican Party and how fast he can get out of Louisiana.
Maybe he’s vying for an “A+” for killing LSU and the higher education systems. The Gov. Jindal who talks a good game about the knowledge economy seems to want laborers and not leaders. We need a well-rounded work force with a balance of skills and opportunities for all Louisiana’s young people.
How about this thought? There are businesses in this state who line up at every opportunity to support and donate to arts & culture non-profits and other social services, to both boost their recognition within the community AND to try and keep quality of life and entertainment at an attractive level for their employees to be motivated to remain working in their respective regions.
Therefore, if these arts & culture non-profits are needing government (public taxpayer) money to sustain their operations, then there might be too many of them out there on the market. Plain and simple.
Maybe someone should ask Mrs. Flournoy if she would support state government eliminating all appropriations to NGOs (non-profits) in favor of re-directing all that money to Higher Education. I would be in favor of that, but for some reason, I don’t think she would agree.
AND, why is all this important to you? Because these types of letters and newpaper editorials will continue into the legisaltive session next year where people like Mrs. Flournoy, Higher Ed elites and non-profit directors will continue lobbying our state legislators to increase our taxes to subsidize their salaries and operations.
As MacAoidh says on this site over and over again, these people think they have a higher claim to your income than you do. And if you disagree, it means you don’t care about your fellow man.
Nick Bouterie was recently elected to serve on the 2011-2014 Iota Town Council.
