This was very, very well done.
Why isn’t Ryan running for president, again?
The budget’s coming out next week. President Obama will have little Jay Carney out in front of the White House press corps forthwith to declare it to be a “political document,” and Harry Reid will declare it Dead On Arrival in the Senate – which of course will prompt the GOP to ask what Obama and Reid have for a budget plan and a path to stop running $200 billion monthly deficits at a time we’re closing in on $17 trillion in federal debt.
Forget Sandra Fluke and the con game she ran on the country last month. Forget the irritating media rah-rah act in which every nondescript tidbit of economic news is treated as evidence that an economy clearly bouncing along the sea floor is somehow going to break the ocean surface any minute. Forget all these manufactured distractions the Democrats and their allies in the media are conjuring up in an effort to save Obama’s bacon.
This is the issue.
We ran a $230 billion deficit in February, which is an all-time American record. And we set that record in the shortest month of the year. We are rapidly increasing the size of our federal debt, so fast that the time will come – perhaps even before the election this fall – when the bond market will deliver to us the real debt ceiling; at that time the Treasury will hold a bond auction and there will be no more takers for treasury debt even with the Fed gleefully monetizing it.
When you can’t borrow any more money, you’re Greece.
Ryan, we suppose, is prepared to make that case. That video is a good preview of that fact. And there is no more articulate, forceful voice in favor of putting the brakes on this runaway train than Paul Ryan.