“The Louisiana House Republicans and the Louisiana Democratic Party’s executive director (speaking for the party), do not see eye-to-eye as to what occurred today in Baton Rouge in cobbling together a budget.” –Bayou Buzz
“Thirty-five Louisiana business owners so far have signed an open letter drafted by two Louisiana activist organizations asking the Legislature to reject the state’s proposed religious freedom law.” —Times-Picayune
“”It’s definitely not enough,” said state Rep. Joel Robideaux, R-Lafayette, head of the House Ways and Means Committee, which crafts the tax bills for the Louisiana Legislature.” —Times-Picayune
“New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu says freedoms and faith must “coexist” in a letter to the editor published Thursday (May 7) in the New York Times in response to a recent op-ed penned by Gov. Bobby Jindal in the same publication, regarding the state’s religious freedom legislation.” —Times-Picayune
“An emotional LSU coach Les Miles says former lineman La’el Collins should be placed in the supplemental draft and that Miles has been rebuffed in attempts to contact NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.” —The Advocate
“The Jindal administration will sell another 201 state vehicles at auction Saturday.” —The Advocate
“The driver of a van was killed on Interstate 10 in New Orleans East early Friday after striking an alligator, police said.” —The Advocate
“The LSU Police Department reported Andrew Watts Jr. and Jonathan Klein were arrested on May 5 after officers received complaints about two men dressed in military attire carrying rifles on a levee on LSU’s campus around 10:30 p.m.” —WAFB
“Senator John McCain harshly criticized a federal appeals court that struck down the NSA’s controversial metadata collection program on Thursday.” —Rare
“And we’ve discovered that agency employees routinely fail to comply with the rules they so unsparingly enforce against ordinary Americans. When they break their own rules, many not only keep their jobs — they receive bonuses and promotions. The IRS typifies the very worst of the federal bureaucracy: Hypocritical, unaccountable and vindictive.” —Townhall
“Conservatives in the UK are celebrating today after Prime Minister David Cameron overwhelmingly secured victory, and a majority, over the Labour Party.” —Townhall
“Outside of Scotland, progressivism took a real hit. This morning, a number of prominent liberal MPs find themselves unemployed. Perhaps none are more deserving of that status than the vile George Galloway. The former representative of the Bradford West constituency from the Orwellian-named Respect Party was one of the few former parliamentary representatives to lose their seat to a Labour candidate.” —HotAir
“The Justice Department will conduct a broad investigation into the Baltimore police force in search of law enforcement practices that are unconstitutional and violate civil rights, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Friday.” —Rare