“With more than 30 FBI agents due to arrive today in Chattanooga, a diary belonging to the gunman and FBI interviews with his parents paint a picture of a disturbed, suicidal young man using drugs, preparing for bankruptcy and facing an appearance in criminal court, according to a representative of the shooter’ s family.” – ABC News
“President Obama did an end-run around Congress on the Iran deal today in what Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) noted will become known as ‘Capitulation Monday’ in history. The United Nations Security Council voted 15-0 this morning to endorse the P5+1 deal with Iran and start rolling back sanctions.” – PJ Media
“It’s difficult to say what’s more striking about President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation: its breathtaking radicalism, the refusal of the press to cover it, or its potential political ramifications. The danger AFFH poses to Democrats explains why the press barely mentions it. This lack of curiosity, in turn, explains why the revolutionary nature of the rule has not been properly understood. Ultimately, the regulation amounts to back-door annexation, a way of turning America’s suburbs into tributaries of nearby cities.” – Stanley Kurtz/National Review
“Some 2.5 million illegal immigrants have flowed into the United States under President Obama, with 790,000 rushing in since 2013, according to a new analysis.” – Washington Examiner
“What matters is that we’ve now had five mass shootings on military facilities during Barack Obama’s presidency. The policies, originally designed to mitigate the risk of negligent discharges, may have worked from the time of Nixon up until the time we started seeing credible threats of attacks on domestic military facilities.” – Bearing Arms
“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the truth. Forget the usual media psycho-blather about ‘depression.’ And forget the willful blindness of the ‘one-off threat’ remark. The shooter in Chattanooga was simply a holy Muslim, a member of the ummah falsely hiding behind U.S. ‘citizenship,’ following the dictates of his ‘faith’ — a faith that is posing a clear and present danger to the United States right here at home.” – Michael Walsh/PJ Media
“More than a dozen states that opted to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act have seen enrollments surge way beyond projections, raising concerns that the added costs will strain their budgets when federal aid is scaled back starting in two years. Some lawmakers warn the price of expanding the health care program for poor and lower-income Americans could mean less money available for other state services, including education.” – Yahoo! News
“Yesterday, Trump doubled down on his McCain comments in an op-ed for USA TODAY, writing that ‘McCain the politician has failed the state of Arizona and the country.’ That’s true, but let’s call this situation what it is: Trump is simply grandstanding, and taking anything he says seriously is an error.” – Hot Air
“Amid California’s historic drought, an even rarer weekend downpour that calmed wildfires also washed away a 30-foot bridge that carries commuters to Arizona.” – Washington Post
“Hackers have stolen and leaked personal information from online cheating site Ashley Madison, an international dating site with the tagline: ‘Life is short. Have an affair.'” – Guardian UK
“It’s Monday and there’s a 50 percent chance of rain. And that may not be a bad thing. Rain could provide a welcome cool-down from a stretch of high temperatures that have reached the mid- to upper 90s, with heat index levels into the 100s.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“Five years after the Obama administration promised to move swiftly to plug unused oil and gas wells permanently in the Gulf of Mexico, even more shafts are lingering for longer periods with only temporary sealing, an Associated Press investigation shows.” – Baton Rouge Business Report
“Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator fighting to be the Democratic nominee in the 2016 presidential race, is heading south. He plans to be in New Orleans Sunday (July 26) to hold a town hall-style meeting, his campaign has announced. On his agenda: money in politics, income inequality, climate change and the cost of a college education.” –
“LSU’s athletic department announced Monday that it’ll transfer $10 million to the university — about $3 million more than its required payment. LSU’s main campus receives a guaranteed $7.2 million from its athletics program each year, according to the athletics funds transfer policy approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2012.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“The privatization deal for LSU’s Shreveport and Monroe hospitals seems to be imploding. Maybe that was inevitable when university leaders agreed to a contract filled with blank pages or when they chose a manager with no experience running a patient care facility.” – Monroe News Star
“It has been nearly two decades since Checkers, which also operates the Rally’s chain, has had a presence in Baton Rouge. It previously operated here under the Rally’s flag. Now it’s looking to bring the brand back, this time as Checkers, and it has a pretty ambitious growth plan.” – Baton Rouge Business Report
“Wading into a coast-to-coast debate, state Superintendent of Education John White hopes to nationalize a Louisiana education program that has sparked a lawsuit and other controversy. The program, dubbed “course choice,” was part of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s 2012 public schools overhaul.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“Louisiana officials are keeping a close eye on the rising Mississippi River. The Army Corps of Engineers will start inspecting levees from Baton Rouge to Venice daily.” – WAFB
“Orleans Parish School Board member Leslie Ellison announced Monday (July 20) that she is running for the District 7 state Senate seat, currently held by Sen. David Heitmeier.” –
“Arnsparger, who died Friday at age 88 at his home in Athens, Alabama, was like Saban in that he could be friendly but could get rankled by reporters. For this reason, he simply sent defensive coordinator Mike Archer to the SEC Media Days in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1986. Those who criticized him for this soon ate their words.” – Monroe News Star