It might be too early to say that the stuff is hitting the fan over the weekend’s bizarre occurrences in the Senate Kevin Boyd talked about earlier today, but there is surely a lot of noise out there.
Lots of pundits on the Right trashing Mitch McConnell today, and then, via Facebook, here’s Mark Levin…
The guess here is you’re going to see more and more of this.
The GOP’s assumption of a Senate majority in the midterm elections last November was no endorsement of Mitch McConnell. It was a firing of Harry Reid and a host of tired, old Democrat incumbents who no longer reflected the wishes of their constituents.
McConnell has wasted what mandate he was given – namely, that the voters wanted the GOP majority to serve as a check on the president if not more. Instead, he’s run the Senate for six months and accomplished nothing.
The conservative infrastructure, which has not been a friend to Mitch McConnell in a long time anyway, is done with him. It’s done. And the people the conservative infrastructure represents, which is the majority of the party, have been done with him for a long time.
As for Boehner, it’s been obvious for quite some time that he doesn’t have much support in the House. Challenges to his Speakership are constantly rumored, and he has to rule as a tyrant in order to hold his position.
The question is whether anybody within the Senate outside of Ted Cruz will care enough to challenge McConnell, or anybody in the House willing to mount an actual substantive challenge to Boehner. Because until there is, as badly as we need a change there is no mechanism to fulfill Levin’s demand.