Here’s a fun video…
And here’s something even more fun. From the Seattle Times’ writeup of the event…
Some in the mostly white audience booed and hissed as they urged protesters to let the senator talk. A few yelled for police to make arrests. One activist on stage replied the Seattle crowd was proving they were “white supremacist liberals.”
After denouncing the crowd, the activists demanded 4 ½ minutes of silence in memory of Michael Brown, the black man shot to death by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri a year ago. While rally organizers stood and raised their hands in support, some in the crowd yelled profanities.
After the few minutes of silence, the protesters said they wanted to hold Sanders accountable for failing to address their concerns when he was similarly interrupted at a town hall for liberal activists in Phoenix last month.
We’ve covered the threat the #BlackLivesMatter morons present to the Democrat Party, and as these demonstrations continue that threat is only going to grow. A political party not in free fall – sure, the GOP has lots of problems and the Trump spectacle is both highlighting and exacerbating them, but that is nothing compared to this – would roll the #BlackLivesMatter crowd over in no time.
They’re a small group of people, but they’ve got funding behind them and the Democrat Party establishment is so in debt to identity politics and radicals in the race industry that any self-respecting resistance to one of the party’s presidential candidates being thrown off the stage by a pair of insane women isn’t even possible at present.
Keep an eye on this. Now that they’ve taken Sanders down and embarrassed him, Hillary Clinton is next. And if she puts them in their place, they will make trouble – big trouble – for her in the Democrat Party base.