Here Is David Vitter’s New Ad Slamming John Bel Edwards’ Night Club Campaign Rally And Early Voting Party Bus

After the Hayride‘s exclusive report on State Rep. John Bel Edwards’ campaign rally at a scandalous New Orleans night club, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) is now using the report to attack Edwards on his skipping out on a social issues debate that same day.

Take a look at the ad here:

The Hayride‘s exclusive report has also been used in Rick Santorum’s latest robocall for Vitter, in which the conservative points out how hypocritical it is for Edwards to promote himself as being morally above Vitter.

Here’s what Santorum says in the robocall:

“I must ad­mit I am ap­palled. Just last week, a group of Chris­ti­an churches, the Fam­ily For­um, hos­ted a gubernat­ori­al for­um and in­vited both can­did­ates. Only Dav­id Vit­ter at­ten­ded. Demo­crat John Bel Ed­wards can­celled an ap­pear­ance at the state’s pro-life de­bate in fa­vor of at­tend­ing a voter drive held at a risqué adult hip-hop nightclub in New Or­leans. You just can’t make this stuff up. Please vis­it to see the video foot­age.”



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