John Bel’s Obamacare Expansion Plan Took A Beating In Kentucky Last Night

In Kentucky last night, Republican Matt Bevin was elected. One of his pledges was to rollback Kentucky’s Medicaid expansion under Obamacare.

St. John Bel on the other hand is campaigning on implementing Obamacare in Louisiana. He was the sponsor of the bill that would’ve implemented it last year. He pledges to implement it on “day 1” of his reign. Here’s the video of him pushing Obamacare expansion.

Here’s what’s going to happen if St. John Bel continues to make Obamacare an issue:

ObamaCare is going to become even more of a liability for Edwards in the 17 days left before the election, withreports that more than half of ObamaCare co-ops across the country are shutting down, leaving hundreds of thousands of Americans without coverage.

That includes 16,000 Louisianans, who will be left in the lurch when ObamaCare co-op Louisiana Health Cooperative shuts down next month, and those seeking to buy new policies face double-digit premium hikes.

That means John Bel Edwards’ vocal support of ObamaCare is about to become a massive problem for his campaign.

Meanwhile, what are the consequences for Louisiana if St. John Bel gets his way and implements Obamacare? St. John Bel will tell that Louisiana will get free money from the Feds and it will save us money. The Louisiana Fiscal Office is now saying “not so fast.”

But the Louisiana Fiscal Office is raising questions about whether the legislation would allow enough flexibility to move different categories of funding if the next governor accepts Medicaid expansion. Gov. Bobby Jindal has focused on the cost of the matching funds if the state does accept expansion, and he’s declined to accept the federal dollars that are part of President Barack Obama’s key legislative accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act.

The Fiscal Office is focusing on what’s known as the Disproportionate Share Hospital funding program, which is a key source of federal revenue that pays rural hospitals and the former charity hospitals in New Orleans and north Louisiana to treat the uninsured. The Fiscal Office expressed concern that because DSH payments to hospitals are included in the legislation, “savings associated with Medicaid Expansion are likely to be diminished significantly.”

[…]But opponents of Medicaid expansion have said requiring states to pay 10 percent of the cost could get expensive when enrollment grows faster than expected. So far in Louisiana, Medicaid recipients are enrolling at faster-than-expected rates in programs like Bayou Health, which are funded under a much larger federal match of 38 percent.

Bayou Health treats primarily pregnant women and children.

“The Affordable Care Act has created a lot of publicity around health care insurance,” Department of Health and Hospitals Secretary Kathy Kliebert said in an interview. “With all that additional publicity around it, people may think, ‘Maybe it is something I qualify for.’ We believe the majority of people were already qualified but never applied.”

The RINOs in the Legislature led by the awful House Speaker Chuck Kleckley passed a “bed tax” to fund Obamacare expansion, but a bed tax is a scam. It’s essentially a money laudering scheme cooked up by the Louisiana Hospital Association. Louisiana taxpayers may not pay up in state taxes, but we’re also Federal taxpayers too. There are moves in Congress to do away with it.

The next governor needs to hold the line against expanding Obamacare in Louisiana. That’s why David Vitter is the only choice for conservatives.



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