APPEL: Complacency And Breakdown

“No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family.“
– J. Edgar Hoover

I saw this old quote and to me it speaks volumes. In our country we believe so firmly that we are a nation of laws that we just assume that any problems that occur will be addressed by the police. It’s not our fault; unlike in so many countries all over the world, we have grown secure in our knowledge that we are protected by highly skilled and brave members of the police. We have not any history of not being able to depend upon our police.

What we fail to realize is that by our own complacency we have come to ignore societal breakdown so deep that no police establishment can possibly be expected to buttress us from the evils of our own creation. These evils are a cancer attacking our very freedom.

In our 24 hour news cycle world we are being subjected to all kinds of phony experts who try to convince us that police can engage the criminal deviant and not be forced to operate at the level of that criminal element. Insanity! It is madness to believe criminals in our society have any respect neither for police, nor for that matter for anyone else with whom they share the world with.

To me, at its base level, the very definition of a criminal is of someone or some group who has rejected societal rules for their own self-aggrandizement (not counting those mentally incapacitated). It can be for power, money or, as in Baton Rouge, terror. It doesn’t matter; these people have no sympathy in their psyche for anyone else. It’s all about them and their deviant worldview.

The result is that instead of trying to fix the issues that create the criminal mindset, issues that to me are mainly founded in strong family values, we ask our police to clean up our dirty work. And sadly, now that modern technology has given us a view into the world that we have asked the police to protect us from, we find it revolting against our sensibilities.

As for me, unless sustained by law, I will always side with the police. I will always assume that police have an unalienable right to always protect themselves and others from those that would choose a criminal path. I will always teach that the police are not something to be afraid of, just the opposite; they are our only friends when we find ourselves in trouble.
Sadly, unless we succeed with strong measures to reverse the societal evils that breed crime and contempt of our free society, we must always trust that it is only the police stand between us and evil.

Unless proven otherwise I will always err on the side of law enforcement and against anyone or any group that would attack the foundation of our freedom.



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