9/11 Share Your Memories and Moments of That Day

Everyone of a certain age remembers where they were the first moment they heard about the terrorist attacks on 9/11. I would love to hear your memories of that day and what effect it had on you in the aftermath. Please leave a comment below.

Here is my story:

It was the middle of first period at Laurens District 55 High School in Laurens, South Carolina. I was sitting in Spanish class when the teacher stepped out for a moment. He was told a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center buildings and came in saddened and confused to relay the message. Moments later we heard about the second plane. I was a 17-year-old senior sitting in the second row from the door and three seats from the front. In second period I had a civics class and we watch the news and heard about the Pentagon and the crash in Pennsylvania. We watched until the the administration banned teachers from turning on the televisions. The entire school sauntered around like zombies that entire day. I believe most of us were numb and confused.

That night I was in a Bible study that happened to be lead by one of my school teachers. We re-watched the footage and horror of the day. We prayed and sat in silence. That was the first moment I realized the world I had known was changed.


My entire life I had wanted to be a pharmacist. I remember being four years old and wanting to attend Presbyterian College and then the Medical University of South Carolina. I was a weird kid. That had stuck with me until my senior year. The weeks after 9/11 changed that for me. I wanted to work on changing people’s hearts and minds more than just their bodies. That lead me to attend North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC to study ministry. Ultimate that led to work and passion in politics.

That one day changed my life like it did for most Americans. How were you affected? What are your memories of that day?



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