Al Franken Ungraciously Falls On His Sword For The Democrats

If we get anything from Al Franken’s resignation speech, it’s that he is thoroughly pissed that the Democratic Party is forcing him to resign.

For someone resigning in disgrace, it was a pretty pathetic speech. Franken admits hardly any wrongdoing, and says some of the allegations are completely false.

A lot of Democrats piled on Franken yesterday at the same time, making it pretty clear that they want him to fall on his sword so they can fry some bigger Republican fish like Roy Moore. And since Franken will be replaced by a Democrat, this is a win-win for the Dems. If Moore loses, that means Democrats pick up an additional seat in Alabama along with Franken’s replacement. Not too mention that this gives them ample opportunity to dredge up the Trump allegations from last year.

With Conyers and Franken leaving, the appearance is now that Democrats have the moral high ground in these sex scandal wars. They are now going to be hitting Moore and the Republicans harder and with more righteous indignation. Maybe it wouldn’t be so transparent if they weren’t all backing Conyers and Franken just a few days ago.

But in the meantime, we can take a little pleasure at seeing Franken go. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.



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