Congressman and Gubernatorial hopeful Ralph Abraham is celebrating the recent decision of the Government Office of Accountability to study how Planned Parenthood uses federal funding. The study comes at the request of Abraham and 121 other members of Congress in May of this year. While Planned Parenthood is the focal point of the study, other abortion providers and Federally Qualified Health Centers will also be examined. Per a May 19th press release from Abraham’s office, “Dr. Abraham and the other members of Congress who signed the letter are requesting the GAO provide the following information regarding Planned Parenthood:
- The amount of federal obligations and disbursements to and the expenditures of federal funds by each of these organizations in each fiscal year;
- The federal agencies’ (such as the Administration for Children & Families and any other agency or sub-agency that funds activities that Planned Parenthood may provide) funding sources (e.g. block grants), and programs associated with these federal funds (including Medicaid and Title X);
- How these funds were made available (e.g. direct or pass-through funding).”
“Not a single penny of your tax dollars should be used to prop up abortion providers,” Abraham said. “This GAO study will give us the data we need to make smarter choices about how Congress appropriates money. My goal is to save lives, and we can support safe and affordable health care options without killing babies in the process.”
Abraham has been a consistent champion of pro-life policy throughout his congressional tenure – as evidenced by his 100 percent rating from National Right To Life, so his GAO study request should come as no surprise. Abraham’s pro-life bona fides won’t produce much in the way of legislation going on the books, of course, as abortion advocate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leads an intensely pro-abortion majority in the Democrat-dominated House of Representatives. But even as a member of the Republican minority, the activism of Abraham and his compatriots has made a difference in bolstering the Trump administration’s efforts to govern in a pro-life way.