BAYHAM: Impeachment And The Brazen New World

I had opted to not write about impeachment until after the fact because the very thought of it was so absurd that I felt the matter entirely improbable.

Let the record show that we are indeed living in absurd times as the House Democrats approved two articles of impeachment (indictment), neither of which is a high crime or misdemeanor.

And as if to further confirm the crassness of this political episode, but the Democrats are now talking about arbitrarily holding up forwarding the articles until Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accedes to their demands, or in other words demanding a quid pro quo.

I suppose the fate of the Federal Republic (a concept they hate) and the Constitution ( which they repudiate on a daily basis in detail) can bide their time in the waiting room.

Thanks to the partisan stonewalling by the Democrats in the Clinton impeachment removal vote, the expectation that the GOP Senate caucus won’t budge on removal seems to make the entire matter moot.

If Clinton was not removed for committing documented actual crimes then, there’s no reason in the world to believe Republicans will seriously entertain acting upon the non-criminal allegations hurled at President Donald Trump.

The big question is why would Speaker Nancy Pelosi who until recently tried to pour cold water on the drive to impeach Trump, end up being the face of the effort.

Did Trump leave the speaker no choice, or The Squad?

Does she fear that her allies need to drink the Kool-Aid to avoid being primaried out of office by aspiring Squad members?


While voting for impeachment will cost plenty of the Pelosi-whipped congressmen their day jobs, the threat of facing AOC, Jr in a primary dominated by world-class loony lefties puts a premium on party survival. Which only goes to show that while Pelosi wields the gavel, AOC essentially sets the agenda and runs the show.

Or is this just a desperate attempt to distract the voters from the healthy economic climate?

And both reasons are poor justification for using a tool of last resort area for purely political purposes and it throws open the Pandora’s Box on the subject as impeachment by a House controlled by one party against a president of another will become the new dysfunctional normal.

And you thought the family Thanksgiving dinner conversation sucked this year.

Thanks to Speaker Pelosi and her unhinged caucus the government of the United States of America, one of the most stable institutions in the world, just took a big step towards the raucous Taiwanese, ever in flux Italian, and chaotic Brazilian governments.



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