73.8% of Texas residents express degree of trust in state’s virus policies

The share of Texas residents who say they have some or a lot of trust in the state’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic was 73.8 percent, according to a new study by Northwestern and three other universities.

In contrast, 7.4 percent of the state’s residents said their level of trust in Texas coronavirus policies was “Not at all,” and 18.9 percent of state residents responded “Not too much” to the trust question.

Overall, Americans’ trust in their institutions’ ability to respond to the COVID-19 emergency has dropped 8 percent since April, the analysis found. State residents’ trust in their particular state government’s handling of the virus threat went down 6 percent on average over the same time period, according to the study.

Confidence in medical professionals’ advice continues to exceed 90 percent, however.

The researchers also found that more than one-quarter of those surveyed in April and May nationally described symptoms that would amount to moderate to severe depression. That’s more than threefold the level of depression prior to the pandemic, the study said.

Survey Responses: Levels of Trust in States’ COVID-19 Policies

State Not at All Not Too Much Some A Lot Error Margin Number of Respondents
Alabama 7.7% 26.1% 45.2% 21.0% 7.0 354
Alaska 5.1% 19.8% 52.7% 22.4% 11.9 106
Arizona 7.7% 19.0% 56.8% 16.6% 5.5 477
Arkansas 8.6% 14.3% 56.9% 20.1% 7.2 294
California 8.3% 14.9% 41.9% 34.9% 4.1 871
Colorado 7.6% 18.9% 46.1% 27.4% 5.7 387
Connecticut 9.2% 16.1% 42.6% 32.1% 8.3 241
Delaware 10.3% 15.7% 46.9% 27.1% 7.4 262
District of Columbia 4.6% 3.9% 53.4% 38.1% 12.4 121
Florida 9.9% 18.9% 47.8% 23.4% 4.8 604
Georgia 14.0% 26.8% 44.2% 15.0% 5.7 429
Hawaii 8.4% 24.3% 46.8% 20.4% 7.7 272
Idaho 6.8% 20.2% 55.2% 17.8% 6.1 368
Illinois 14.3% 15.5% 40.4% 29.8% 4.6 513
Indiana 4.9% 21.1% 52.5% 21.5% 6.0 377
Iowa 12.7% 25.3% 46.2% 15.8% 7.5 243
Kansas 5.0% 16.3% 53.2% 25.5% 7.8 237
Kentucky 9.4% 12.3% 43.5% 34.7% 6.7 332
Louisiana 9.7% 13.2% 48.2% 28.9% 6.5 362
Maine 7.8% 24.9% 41.4% 25.9% 5.7 368
Maryland 4.4% 10.2% 43.8% 41.6% 5.9 397
Massachusetts 2.6% 9.8% 45.0% 42.5% 5.4 434
Michigan 12.1% 12.9% 39.0% 36.0% 5.1 480
Minnesota 5.1% 15.6% 44.0% 35.2% 6.6 336
Mississippi 7.5% 17.0% 50.2% 25.3% 9.2 229
Missouri 8.5% 23.7% 50.3% 17.5% 5.6 445
Montana 8.5% 12.0% 51.8% 27.7% 11.5 129
Nebraska 7.3% 15.2% 56.0% 21.6% 9.9 159
Nevada 10.6% 13.4% 45.8% 30.2% 7.7 278
New Hampshire 4.1% 10.1% 49.6% 36.2% 6.0 349
New Jersey 6.3% 17.1% 45.6% 31.0% 4.8 527
New Mexico 17.1% 13.8% 37.8% 31.3% 10.6 162
New York 6.6% 13.2% 39.3% 41.0% 4.5 616
North Carolina 6.7% 20.2% 49.7% 23.4% 5.2 512
North Dakota 7.8% 12.3% 45.0% 34.9% 9.2 210
Ohio 5.6% 14.0% 44.2% 36.2% 5.0 479
Oklahoma 11.9% 23.8% 52.3% 11.9% 7.3 287
Oregon 9.7% 20.2% 43.0% 27.2% 5.4 410
Pennsylvania 11.9% 17.3% 47.6% 23.3% 4.6 541
Rhode Island 4.8% 16.2% 42.5% 36.4% 9.0 178
South Carolina 5.3% 22.2% 55.9% 16.6% 6.3 346
South Dakota 9.4% 28.6% 40.9% 21.1% 8.7 178
Tennessee 7.8% 18.1% 54.2% 19.9% 5.8 389
Texas 7.4% 18.9% 53.9% 19.9% 4.8 617
Utah 5.5% 21.0% 47.7% 25.9% 8.1 272
Vermont 4.8% 7.5% 44.1% 43.7% 8.9 161
Virginia 11.1% 17.6% 50.1% 21.2% 5.1 452
Washington 8.6% 18.3% 42.1% 31.0% 5.0 490
West Virginia 6.7% 9.4% 61.5% 22.4% 8.6 194
Wisconsin 10.8% 23.5% 45.7% 20.0% 5.6 417
Wyoming 7.3% 19.6% 52.0% 21.0% 11.1 108

Source: Northwestern Institute for Policy Research



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