Too bad, Angry Left. One person’s demise won’t get you a Senate seat.
Modern liberalism, shorn of its intellectual groundings with history revealing its invalid assumptions about human nature and with data proving the inferiority of its policy prescriptions, has devolved into a conduit of hate. By definition, it seeks to divide and axiomatically pits the resulting groups against each other, positing imaginary bogeymen that only government can stop from allegedly oppressing the others. Today’s liberalism is all emotional rage and no coherent thinking or wisdom.
Thus, it’s never a surprise that when a conservative of note suffers misfortune this not only prompts some activists on the left to revel in it, but also leaves them hoping matters become even worse – just look at their reaction that the Grim Reaper had taken the wrong sibling when Republican Pres. Donald Trump’s younger brother recently died. Unfortunately, to a lesser degree the same rhetoric emerged with Louisiana’s Republican senior Sen. Bill Cassidy.
After Cassidy announced he had come down with the Wuhan coronavirus, on some national leftist news websites, a number of commenters wished ill on Cassidy, and a few went so far as to hint they wouldn’t mind seeing him cash out as a result. Fortunately, Cassidy at 62 has had excellent health and shows no signs that he won’t weather the virus with anything but minor symptoms.
But what if his vilest detractors had their way? Death doesn’t take a holiday: this year only three months after assuming office, GOP state Rep. Reggie Bagala succumbed to the virus, and the year before an announced candidate for the House died from a heart attack not long before qualifying. Most famously in Louisiana, Democrat Rep. Hale Boggs won unopposed after having gone missing weeks earlier in 1972.
Cassidy is running for reelection this fall. His only quality challenger appears to be Democrat Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins. Mean-spirited leftists may hope for Cassidy’s death prior to Nov. 3 to clear the field for Perkins, who despite his Democrat label might win against an otherwise large field of unknowns of whom only one is a Republican and most are minor or no party contestants.
Except it doesn’t work that way in Louisiana. R.S. 18:469, prompted in part by Boggs’ demise, governs situations where a candidate dies after qualifying but before the election. In this case, qualifying for the office would reopen the day after the death for three days, legal holidays exclusive. The law doesn’t address if that happens within three days of the election, but likely it would bump the election to the next eligible date.
So, leftist cretins, you can keep fanning the hate that makes you think you’re alive and worthy of garnering any attention to your pathetic selves, but it won’t have the political payoff you desire.