Citizens of Louisiana were regaled with this last week, effectively…
“Today, I’m announcing my legislative agenda:
Raises for K-12 teachers and support staff
Increased higher ed. investments
Closing the gender pay gap
Mandatory reporting for Title IX violations on college campuses”
– Governor John Bel Edwards
If anyone wants to understand why Louisiana is last in almost every metric of success and is the laughingstock amongst states, just read this list of initiatives published by our governor. Politics over people at its worst, but the type of visionless leadership we have come to expect.
Nothing about creating prosperity to break the cycle of poverty, nothing about making government efficient and effective, nothing about getting Louisiana out of last place among the states, nothing about anything except social media talking points, payback to unions, and pandering to left-wing supporters.
During the last election, the people of Louisiana voted to reject the opportunities offered by a reform candidate, instead narrowly taking the safe road of the status quo. In deciding to keep the laissez faire leadership of the current governor, we got exactly that; we are now securely locked in last place, even falling behind Mississippi in many areas.
I pray that in the next election the people of Louisiana will finally say “Enough of being last, enough of politics over people”. I pray that someone who has the ability and vision to really lead Louisiana into the Promised Land will emerge as a candidate that we all can support. I pray that we do not elect someone because they have been around for a long time or because they are cute and personable or that they promise everything to everyone.
I pray that we elect someone who only promises tough love, who tells us the truth, but does so in the context of a prosperous vision for the future.
I pray for anything other than the Louisiana Way!