There’s Only One More Day Before Our Mandeville Tour Stop Event!

Today’s the day to snap your tickets up soon before they’re all gone.

Buying tickets and sponsoring tables at Hayride tour events is a great way to support our site – which unlike the other news and political sites out there covering Louisiana, is not behind a paywall. We aren’t, and we have no plans to be, but as you know advertising revenue just isn’t enough to break even.

So we do events like the one we’re going to hold on July 21 at Beau Chene Country Club in Mandeville, and we do what we can to make them must-see’s. We think we’re doing that with this one given who our speakers are for it.

State representative Alan Seabaugh has spoken at Hayride events before and he’s terrific. Seabaugh has been, for several years now, the conservative tiger of the Louisiana legislature. He’s led the fight for our values and our economic competitiveness, and he’s been attacked so many times for that leadership it’s not even news anymore.

Unless the attack involves a threat of murder, like Democrat Malinda White made against Seabaugh in the recent legislative session.

He’s coming to talk, among other things, about what’s happening at the veto override session, which might very well be concluding just before the Hayride Mandeville dinner. That would made Seabaugh a perfect man for the moment.

And then we’ve got Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, who’s at the center of a sizable controversy over the ordering of new election machines. Ardoin is going to walk the audience through the facts surrounding elections and the machines which count the votes, take us through the pitfalls and opportunities to further secure our votes and even to answer your questions about how Louisiana can stop craziness like the 2020 election from happening here.


You can’t get a more compelling, more timely discussion of Louisiana politics than we’ll have on offer. Which is one reason why folks are snapping up those tickets and you should join them lickety-split.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. with a cocktail hour, and around 7 p.m. we’ll get started with dinner and the program. We’ll have you on your way home by 9 p.m., we promise.

Tickets are $80.

If your company or group would like to sponsor a table at the event, those are still available. They’re $1400, and they include 10 tickets and signage at the event.

So make sure you get your tickets before this one sells out. You won’t regret it, and you’ll be doing your part to keep Louisiana’s premier conservative website running!



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