And if there’s a Chinese connection, it’s increasingly unsurprising that the Biden administration is happy to take the side of the Chinese communist part against regular Americans.
We give you the Rocky Mountain Institute, which is the front outfit pushing the idiotic idea of banning your gas stove, and we give you Biden’s energy secretary, the laughable Jennifer Granholm.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met privately with the leader of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), the group that funded a recent study used to justify calls for a gas stove ban.
Granholm met with Jules Kortenhorst — the CEO of RMI at the time — in June 2021, according to her internal agency calendar obtained by government watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT). Kortenhorst is widely known global climate activist who also founded the Energy Transitions Commission and chairs the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Net Zero Transition.
The calendar didn’t include the agenda for the meeting which was conducted via Zoom and lasted for approximately an hour. The Department of Energy (DOE) and RMI didn’t respond to requests for comment.
“Despite calling stories about the Biden administration banning gas stoves ‘ridiculous’ and ‘not true,’ Secretary Granholm’s calendar tells a different story,” APT executive director Caitlin Sutherland told Fox News Digital. “We’ve now learned that she consulted with the dark money group pushing to ban gas stoves.”
“Suffice it to say, ‘ridiculous’ and ‘not true’ proposals don’t ordinarily involve a meeting with the Secretary of Energy — and where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” Sutherland added. “Americans everywhere must demand Granholm and green energy extremists stay out of their kitchens.”
But here’s where it gets really interesting. The Rocky Mountain Institute is on about the same level as the Penn Biden Center when it comes to being an organ-grinder monkey for the Chinese communist regime.
In addition, RMI has collaborated with the Chinese government to study transitioning away from traditional fossil fuels and the group’s only office outside the U.S. is located in Beijing, China’s capital city. RMI is a member of the China Clean Transportation Partnership, a green group with significant ties to the Chinese government.
In 2013, RMI worked with the National Development and Reform Commission, a Chinese government entity, to create a roadmap for “China’s revolution in energy consumption and production to 2050.” The report largely showed how China’s economy could adopt new clean energy technologies to replace oil and gas infrastructure.
RMI board member Wei Ding previously was the chairman of the China International Capital Corporation, a bank partially owned by the Chinese government.
So you have a Chinese-funded outfit which is pushing Green New Deal climate nonsense – in this case trying to ban gas stoves in American homes. And you have the Biden administration happily dancing to the tune they call, or at least they’re doing it right up to the point where the American people find out about this and raise hell, and at that point they tuck tail and run.
But why? What’s the percentage in this?
Well, what’s the percentage in sending hot air balloons full of surveillance equipment over the country while Biden does nothing?
We don’t know the answer, but what’s clear is there is a campaign afoot to demoralize the American people.
And nobody really believes this moronic study which says a gas stove either pollutes the environment or will murder you in your house.
The intelligent conclusion to come to is that this is part of the general demoralization campaign. Coming for your gas stove, even when they know they’ll never actually pull that off, broadens the limits of what you think it’s possible that the government might do. You already know the government will arrest you for defending yourself against criminals they won’t keep off the streets, you know that your right to protest an abortion clinic or a left-wing school board enabling transgender rapists, for example, will be severely curtailed while others can get away with riots, and you know that your government will do very little to protect you from the depredations of hostile regimes. Just ask Paul Whelan.
The conclusion you can reasonably reach is that there aren’t any safeguards left from the harassment and restraint that can be imposed on you.
And in the case of a gas stove, it isn’t connected to a power grid. Neither are gasoline-powered vehicles. The Biden administration’s pattern is to push everything into the power grid. Why? Because with one fell swoop that grid can be turned off.
That’s an awful lot of control. That’s Chinese-level government control. And we see that the Chinese government likes exercising control over people based on how much it likes their buying habits, social media postings and other things which are no government’s damn business.
This isn’t conspiracy-mongering. It’s a simple exercise in connecting the dots and attempting to explain why on earth China would be using non-profit cutouts like the Rocky Mountain Institute to push such bizarre political aggressions.
It can’t be about “the climate.” Nobody on Planet Earth is doing more to damage the environment, along the lines of the carbon dioxide emissions the global-warming loons decry, than China. They don’t care about that, and it doesn’t matter whether the nuts at the Rocky Mountain Institute do – the Chinese communists are funding them, and they themselves don’t give a damn about global warming advocacy.
At least, not as to its stated aim of “saving the planet.” Playing in that sandbox is about interfering with the good order of the American economy and the normal progression of American life.
It’s instructive that an American governmental official like Jennifer Granholm would be trafficking with these people rather than running from them. And that the Biden administration would have entertained the gas stove ban as long as it did.
So if it isn’t about demoralizing you, than what is it? And why is China able to use outfits like the Rocky Mountain Institute to influence federal government policy in ways that serve to make your life more difficult?