When you study certain areas on satellite maps, you get a general idea of what it would be like to fish them, but sometimes, what you discover on the ground far exceeds your expectations.
That happened to me on my most recent trip, when the area I selected turned out to be fishier than a guy selling gold jewelry out of his trunk!
Check out the video for all the details.
#fishing #saltwaterfishing #fishinglures
Sulu tallow: https://amzn.to/3W4iW3K
Paul Prudhomme’s Redfish Magic: https://amzn.to/3RwDnDR
We rent out our condo in Perdido, Fla.! Check it out here: https://bit.ly/4cmPk7k
Chef Master 15,000-BTU camp stove: https://amzn.to/3UHM0xX
Catch more fish and look cool doing it in official Habit Outdoors fishing apparel. Use coupon code marshman15 to save 15% off their already incredible prices! https://habitoutdoors.com
Get 40% off Salt Strong Power Prawns with code Marsh40: https://bit.ly/40PercentOffPrawns
Want to shoot your own fishing videos? Here’s some gear/resources you might find useful:
- Get your music from SoundStripe (enter code MARSHMAN10 for 10% off): https://bit.ly/3t9M7kJ
- GoPro Media Mod: https://amzn.to/3zatqTa
- GoPro 10: https://amzn.to/3t15jX0
- GoPro 9: https://amzn.to/3EA2A8r
- GoPro chest mount: https://amzn.to/2OthF1O
- Apple MacBook Air: https://amzn.to/44PAOAB
Fishing gear:
- Zimmer Swimmer: https://bit.ly/3JyU2SZ
- Bobby Garland Slab Hunter Minnow: https://amzn.to/3SYINc8
- Matrix Mullet: https://bit.ly/3Tw9mpr
- Fishlab Flutter Nymph: http://bit.ly/3tvMdoY
- SB-57 crankbait: https://bit.ly/48HmXyr
- Versamaxx Knocker: https://bit.ly/3dyZ8yu
- Deathgrip Jigheads: https://bit.ly/3XUsYSJ
- Matrix Shad: https://matrixshad.com
To keep up with all we’re doing, follow us on social media:
- Facebook: Todd Masson
- Instagram: todd_masson
- Snapchat: tmassonfish
- Twitter: @tmassonFISH
Also, please solicit our sponsors:
- https://matrixshad.com
- http://www.tackleboxtools.com
- https://www.seatow.com
- http://www.deathgripjigheads.com
- https://rat-l-trap.com
- https://www.plaqueminesparishtourism.com
- https://habitoutdoors.com
- https://avid-boats.com
- https://hawksoapco.com
- https://zstackle.com
- https://www.palomalakela.com
- Salt Strong (https://bit.ly/40PercentOffPrawns)