At The Rally (#3, Sort Of)…

At The Rally Today (#2)…

At The Rally Today…

Quote Of The Day

WJBO Host Apparently Not All That Interested In Shirley Sherrod Story (UPDATED)

Editorial Note

Election Notebook, July 20 Edition

Quote Of The Day

Who Are The People Standing In The Way Of Offshore Drilling?

Gulf Oil Spill Updates, Thread #7

Election Notebook, July 19 Edition

“Representation Without Taxation” And The Drilling Moratorium

Two Billion Dollars, Eight Thousand Jobs.

Quote Of The Day

Election Notebook, July 16 Edition

Quote Of The Day

Sheila Jackson-Lee’s Tour De FAIL

Hillyer: NAACP Batted For New Black Panthers, Per Civil Rights Commish Testimony

Andrew Klavan: Electile Dysfunction

Cassidy Amendment To Kill Obamoratorium Defeated In Committee