It looks like we’re about to have another monument fight on our hands in New Orleans. This time the monuments slated for possible removal have nothing to do with the Civil War. Instead, the communist organization Take ‘Em Down NOLA is targeting a memorial that honors World War I veterans.
There is a World War I Victory Arch on Orleans Parish School Board property in the Bywater that honors Ninth Ward residents that were killed in the Great War. The Monumental Task Committee wanted to restore the monument at their own expense. However, the OPSB denied the MTC permission to work on the monument.
The Orleans Parish School Board has rescinded permission the Monumental Task Committee obtained to refurbish a World War I monument in the Bywater that bears the names of veterans from the Ninth Ward. The monument has drawn criticism because the plaques on the monument segregate the names of black veterans from the names of white veterans.
Monumental Task Committee, a volunteer group best known for opposing the removal of Confederate monuments, was in the process of obtaining a grant to restore what’s known as the Ninth Ward Victory Arch in time for the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I next November.
The Orleans Parish School Board initially signed off on the work in June, telling Monumental Task Committee that they’d be allowed to restore the monument as long as the committee could provide proof of liability insurance. But on Aug. 3, OPSB Chief Operating Officer Eric Seling told the committee in an email that “after further research and discussion, I wanted to let you know that the proposed refurbishment of the Ninth Ward Victory Arch is not one that OPSB will support.”
This monument is one of the monuments that Take ‘Em Down NOLA wants to demolish. The group was responsible for leading the effort to remove four Confederate era monuments in New Orleans this year. The group is targeting Andrew Jackson for removal from Jackson Square.
A spokesman from the MTC has a better idea. The group would not object to a plaque explaining why black and white veterans names were segregated. That would put the arch in its proper historical context.
But the communists at Take ‘Em Down NOLA aren’t interested in historical context. They’re interested in eradicating history they don’t agree with. They are cultural Marxists.
First, they came for the Confederate monuments and now they’re coming for the WWI monuments. Everyone who said this would stop at Confederate monuments was wrong.