In case you missed it, Rev. C.L. Bryant took on CNN contributor Roland Martin yesterday over the way some black leaders, particularly Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, are exploiting the Trayvon Martin killing and inflaming racial tension.
Bryant, a former NAACP leader and current tea party favorite from Shreveport, is an examplar of the kind of leader that young black man—as well as all Americans—should look to.
He’s never afraid to speak his mind and doing so as a black conservative takes a good deal of courage and character:
Bryant is spot-on when he says that the greatest danger to the life of a young black man these days is another young black man.
In fact, I’ll take it a little further. If more young black men would follow the example of personal responsibility of Bryant and ignore the narrative of perpetual victim and entitlement espoused by Sharpton, Jackson, Roland Martin and their ilk, things like the Trayvon Martin killing would be much less likely to happen.
There would be less crime in the black community, which would ease suspicion of black men who aren’t committing crimes.
Also, a lot more young black men would not have to fall as victims of violent crimes committed by people that—as Trayvon did—might look like the son that our president doesn’t have.
For more on Bryant, check out his Runaway Slave movie.