Now That You’ve Seen The Planned Parenthood Videos, Are You Ready For The E-mails?

Fresh off the releasing of videos that show Planned Parenthood profiting off the butchering of unborn babies, it appears that hackers have penetrated Planned Parenthood’s cybersecurity system and got their hands on some internal e-mails. Apparently, the contents of some of those e-mails are shocking.

Anti-abortion hackers have apparently hit Planned Parenthood, potenially leaking the reproductive healthcare organization’s internal data and employee information.

The hackers are also threatening to release the nonprofit group’s internal emails, according to The Daily Dot, which first reported the possible intrusion.

“Trying to mold an atrocious monstrosity into socially acceptable behaviors is repulsive,” one of the hackers, who goes by the name of “E,” told The Daily Dot. “Obviously what [Planned Parenthood] does is a very ominous practice. It’ll be interesting to see what surfaces when [Planned Parenthood] is stripped naked and exposed to the public.”

Planned Parenthood said it is investigating the incident, but hadn’t yet confirmed an actual breach.

I would be very interested to know what’s in the Planned Parenthood e-mails. If they’re anything like these videotapes that are being released, the contents are probably very damning to the organization.

Having said all that, this hacking is cyberterrorism. Here’s another example of the danger we face from cyberterrorism. The government needs to start taking cybersecurity seriously. These hackers, while I sympathize with their cause, need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law if they’re captured.



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