Pro-rape blogger Roosh Valizadeh is holding secret meetings across the country this weekend on Saturday at 8 pm.
Among those meetings, New Orleans supporters for the blogger are expected to meet around this tree at 4318 Magazine Street by Lawrence Square:
Valizadeh has become known as the horrid advocate for rape, writing that rape should be legalized inside private homes and advising men on the best ways to have with women.
“I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds,” he wrote on his blog in February of 2015.
The blogger has set up an ‘International Meetup Day’ with 165 events in over 40 countries, which includes New Orleans and Chicago.
Supporters meeting in New Orleans for the meetup are directed to ask “Do you know where I can find a pet shop?” From there, other attendees will answer with “Yes it’s right here.”