BREAKING: The Skunk And Alan Seabaugh

We smell a bit of skullduggery afoot, but perhaps it’s just our conspiratorialist nature. But mix politicians and fur-bearing, noxious rodents and one might be forgiven for wondering if somehow the fix was in at the Seabaugh reference in Shreveport.

Early this morning, an emergency notice appeared on Facebook…

Needless to say, this is an untenable situation even for someone used to the stench of the politics at the state capitol.

The comments in Seabaugh’s Facebook thread about the skunk invasion were absolute gold…

Mrs. Seabaugh then asked the most important question of the day…

Not the answer she was looking for.

Then came the photographic evidence…

And a warning…

That’s not good. Not good at all. A worse scenario than the state’s looming budget crisis, even.

Then came some very sensible advice…

Followed by some not-so-sensible advice…

And in no time flat, KEEL-AM in Shreveport was on the scene to make a radio segment out of the Seabaugh skunk-removal saga…

That’s Rusty Scarborough of the Walter Jacobs Nature Park on the phone with Seabaugh discussing the threat to the state representative’s home and personal odor.


Meanwhile, more advice came in from various quarters…

Not all of it good, as one might imagine…

But then, deliverance…

Seabaugh said the crisis ended with more of a bang than a whimper when we talked to him this morning. “Unfortunately, it was uneventful,” he noted, with much less regret than those of us acting as spectators to his ordeal have on offer. “Anti-Pest put a tarp over the cage and carried the wrapped cage to the back of a pick up truck.”

The skunk’s ultimate destination following his extrication from the Seabaugh’s back porch is a mystery, as is the skunk’s party affiliation and the related question of what his intentions were toward the Seabaughs.

Gov. John Bel Edwards was not reached for comment.



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