For some reason the district attorney’s office in Baton Rouge hasn’t done anything with the case, and with the DA not offering a recusal the state Attorney General’s office doesn’t have the power to prosecute it either, so the terrible case of elder abuse arising from East Baton Rouge Council on Aging director Tasha Clark Amar writing herself into the will of then-95 year old Helen Plummer to the tune of some $120,000 in executrix fees with the help of Dorothy Jackson, a law professor who runs the Southern University Law School Elder Law Clinic hasn’t been investigated to date by anyone with the power to prosecute Mrs. Plummer’s abusers.
But Southern University has done an investigation into Jackson’s role in the case, and Thursday WBRZ-TV got hold of a copy of the report the review panel put together. It’s incendiary stuff.
Scathing findings by an investigatory review panel show embattled Southern University Law Professor Dorothy Jackson did not act in accordance with Southern University Law School policy when she drafted a will for an elderly client at the East Baton Rouge Parish Council on Aging.
The findings show the will would have benefited her “friend” Dytasha Clark Amar who is the Director of the East Baton Rouge Parish Council on Aging. The WBRZ Investigative Unit broke the story about the questionable will of Helen Plummer in March of 2017. Since then, Jackson, Clark Amar and others at the Council on Aging have come under fire for their actions.
Documents obtained by the WBRZ Investigative Unit through a public records request show the Investigative Committee empaneled to look at Jackson’s actions found that “it is unlikely that Mrs. Plummer understood the full terms and consequences of the will that she was signing.”
But, after the will was drafted, “It was not timely entered in the Law Center Clinic database in accordance with the Law Center policy.”
After Plummer died on March 2, 2017, “Professor Jackson took the only copy of the will from the file on March 3, 2017 and delivered it to Mrs. Clark Amar, and wrote on the file form, “Client Passed Away. Original will taken and delivered to executrix, Mrs. Tasha Amar….no copy of the will was retained in the file.”
The investigative committee at Southern also found, “Following Mrs. Plummer’s death, on March 17, 2017, Professor Jackson took action in her private capacity representing the executrix and Mrs. Plummer’s estate to protect the assets of the estate.”
The panel at Southern also found that “Dytasha Clark Amar could not have been represented by the Elder Law Clinic, as executrix of Mrs. Plummer’s estate because she was not low income and was not over the age of 50.
Amazingly, the review panel didn’t recommend firing Jackson for what seems to pretty clearly be a conspiracy to commit fraud. Instead they recommended that Jackson should be suspended for a year without pay, lose her tenure and be busted down to Assistant Clinical Professor.
In a normal world you don’t just lose your job as the director of the Elder Law Clinic for something like that; you get indicted and damn sure go to jail.
Which is the conclusion Southern Law’s chancellor John Pierre came to. He wants Jackson fired, and there is now apparently, amazingly, a big political fight going on at Southern over the issue. Can you imagine what would motivate somebody to defend Dorothy Jackson after it’s more or less proven that she and Amar got together to defraud that old woman out of her estate?
It could be that Jackson knows where a few bodies are buried and she’s threatening to play that card. There was this…
Meanwhile, Dorothy Jackson’s attorney, William Aaron told WBRZ Wednesday, “We haven’t received anything from Southern University about Jackson’s future. If the recommendation asks for any actions against Jackson, all administrative appeals will be exhausted and we will proceed to court if necessary.”
It’s fair to say Jackson doesn’t have much of a legal case. She and her attorney are likely banking on the idea that what she has instead is the potential to release information the muckety-mucks at Southern would rather not be made public. After all, Southern is still reeling over the Brandon Dumas debacle and there are lots of rumors that it was merely the tip of the iceberg. Make it so Jackson has nothing to lose and she might become a fountain of information about corruption on The Bluff.
Conceivably, at least. You’d think the generous terms offered by that review panel would be snapped up pretty quickly by Jackson and her lawyer; one can only imagine you’ve got something going on in private here. Unless she’s just naturally blessed with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.
But of course Jackson’s job consequences are a picayune matter compared to what we ought to be talking about here – namely, the indictments of Dorothy Jackson and Tasha Clark Amar for defrauding the Plummer estate. If the DA won’t take up the case, which the political grapevine says is likely due to Clark Amar being the daughter of 19th Judicial District Court judge Janice Clark and the general fear of the judge’s retribution, and if the AG’s office can’t do anything without a recusal, then perhaps we’ll have to wait for US Attorney-designate Brandon Fremin to be confirmed before someone finally prosecutes these terrible people.
The fact that Southern’s people can’t even agree on firing Jackson tells you this is a lot more controversial case than it ought to be. But that’s been true from the beginning. Baton Rouge is increasingly run by a cabal of criminals.