If you’ve ever wanted to travel to space, you might be able to according to a Houston-based company, Orion Span, which it announced that it will open the first luxury space hotel in three years.
Its “Aurora Station” will be able to house four passengers and two crew members for twelve days, the company reports. Price tag? $792,000 per night, roughly $9.5 million per person.
Orion Span requires a fully refundable $80,000 deposit for which it argues its guests will reserve their spot to view the earth from 200 miles away.
While the Aurora Station hotel orbits the earth, guests will be able to view an average of 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours from their own private suite. They will also be able to have an “astronaut experience” and the opportunity to grow food in space or perform research. Guests can also livestream with friends and family on earth using the station’s high-speed wireless Internet.
To prepare for the 12-day trip, Orion Span plans to “prepare” guests with a three-month training program, part of which will be completed in person at the company’s Houston facility. Those who complete the program will receive a certificate.
The station is slated to launch in late 2021 and host its first guests in 2022.