With southeast and southwest Louisiana knocked flat on their backs after powerful hurricanes, all attention is being given to how to rebuild. Pres Biden, by invoking the ‘Build Back Better’ slogan of the globalist World Economic Forum, has shown that he and his administration are not trustworthy partners in this endeavor.
But there are other resources for ideas and leadership. Interestingly enough, the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) held a meeting earlier this month in Vladivostok. Participants in 2019 included more than 60 countries and territories, so this is no insular, insignificant gathering. During the 2021 EEF meeting, President Putin of Russia laid out his plans for economic and social development, and it is from his presentation that Louisiana can reap a good deal of benefit.
(We understand that some folks will have white-eyed convulsions at the mention of Pres Putin and Russia in a positive light, but if those folks will keep in mind that the Deep State has manipulated people’s perception of Russia and many other countries through its control of the media for decades, perhaps they can read on without developing an extreme case of apoplexy.)
Energy Production
Russia’s Energy Strategy 2035 (first unveiled in 2015) was advanced in leaps and bounds with agreements to increase the gas distribution system from 68.6% to 82.9% in 14 years, and to vastly expand hydrogen energy development to 200,000 tons by 2024 before rising to 2,000,000 tons by 2035. . . .
While there are several pathways to create hydrogen fuel, the most effect option which Russia has selected in its current model uses electrolysis carbon capture technology from natural gas. However, Rosatom has announced an even more robust approach to hydrogen development in the form of nuclear reactors that not only provide reliable, high quality energy to power the industrial and residential needs of a nation but also generate massive quantities of hydrogen as a carbon-free by-product.
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The strategic necessity for hydrogen and also nuclear power has finally struck many nations who have woken up to the reality that the windmill/solar panel boondoggles that technocrats managing a Global Green New Deal have been pushing might look nice in computer models, but are completely dysfunctional when measured against the actual productive needs of humanity.
. . . President Putin made the point that the Arctic hosts an array of mineral and energy resources that will not only service the coming decades but coming centuries with Arctic offshore deposits of oil amounting to 15 billion tons and 100 trillion cubic meters of gas.
Unlike those western states locked within a unipolar sinking ship who have forgotten how to think long term, or even conduct business from an honest win-win cooperative outlook, Russia announced the accelerated creation of five modern Arctic cities that will house 300 thousand to 1.5 million citizens over the coming years. Additionally, a decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin for 10 year financing agreements amounting to 500 billion rubles “to build new highways, communal infrastructure, energy and industrial facilities”.
. . . New ports will continue to be built and upgraded while Russia’s Trans Siberian rail line (and associated 4300 km Baikal-Amur Mainland railway) will feature vast upgrades to accommodate a rise of traffic from the current 120 million tons/year to 180 million tons by 2024.
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In order to encourage long term investment and civilization building (rather than the resource stripping practices dominant under Globalization), Putin announced a vast array of tax incentives and reduced insurance premiums for companies willing to build vital infrastructure and industrial hubs for automotive, agriculture and mining programs in the Arctic zones. Predicting any shifty financiers licking their lips at new opportunities for tax havens, the Russian leader also emphasized that only companies engaged in directly productive work would reap these benefits.
Increasing and Strengthening Russian Families
Intent on reversing the devastating trends of negative population growth that Russia suffered during the dark years of Perestroika and which have never properly recovered, Russia has unveiled a modern form of homestead program offering lands, easy loans and other financial incentives for families who wish to migrate into these high priority regions. Included in this program are ample opportunities for trade schools with good paying jobs for young people and migrants as well.
We have concerns about some of the above. We are not too keen on nuclear power (who wants a Fukushima event in their back yard?), and there seems to be some openness to ‘migrants’, of which we have quite an abundance already from Latin American countries.
On the other hand, we are glad that the idea of Louisiana transitioning to a hydrogen economy has already been raised. But for the rest – city-building, ag support, rails and ports, homestead programs, etc. – Louisiana is sorely lacking in long-term planning and leadership.
Interwoven with all this must be the building up of Christianity in Louisiana, without which all of our economic and population growth will amount to the growth of a cancerous, idolatrous tumor.
But the burning question remains: Who in Louisiana has the wisdom and determination and love for this State to put together a plan as ambitious as that laid out by Pres Putin at the EEF and see it through to fruition?