2010 Elections, May 28 edition (June primary preview)

The Voters Get It

A tale of two polls

How Mitch Landrieu is “Cleaning Up” New Orleans City Hall

Election Day in Louisiana – May 1 edition

Is There A VAT In Our Future?

Vitter: Louisiana Families Need Lower Taxes

Can Mary Landrieu be defeated in 2014 ?

Another Budget Crisis, Another Processing Tax Proposal

The French Quarter Fracas: Meet Dylan Barr

Baton Rouge Tea Party Goes National…

Louisiana House Committee Approves Obamacare Challenge Bill

Ready To Rumble: Louisiana Dem Party Plans To “Fight Back” vs. Tea Party Protests

Tax That Man Behind the Tree

Lege Session Opens Today; Nearly 2,000 Bills Filed

Obamacare Rests On Shaky Historical Foundation

East Baton Rouge Parish School Board redistricting

Bachmann Advocates Civil Disobedience If Dems Pass Obamacare Using Slaughter Rule

Appel, Ligi Bills Would Address Big Gap In State Treatment Of Crooked Pols

The Effect of Term Limits on the 2011 Legislative Elections