GRILLED: Bret Baier Calls Out Landrieu On Abortion, Illegal Private Flights

In case you missed Bret Bair’s special the other night on Fox News on the Louisiana Senate race, here’s it in full:

And now, here are some issues worth noting:

On energy, Landrieu said she has “been a very strong, and I think effective, voice for the energy industry in the Senate.”

In reality, Landrieu failed to deliver the votes needed on the Keystone Pipeline, offshore drilling revenue sharing reform or have any legislation from the energy committee voted on by the full Senate. And when the Obama administration and EPA introduced the crippling new set of regulations, Landrieu said she had no authority to stop them.

On the Keystone XL Pipeline, Landrieu said she “did everything I could to get a [Keystone] vote on the floor of the Senate.”

In reality, Landrieu said she would try to deliver the 60 votes needed and that it was all she could do. However, the day before she said did in fact have secure the 60 votes needed to pass the pipeline.

On abortion, Landrieu said “I believe in the sanctity of life.”

In reality, In the last six years, Mary Landrieu has earned a 0% pro-life rating. Zero percent. She’s had 14 opportunities to prove she actually believes in the sanctity of life and she has not answered the bell once.

On Obamacare, “I would vote for [ObamaCare] again.”

There is actually no fact-checking on this issue necessary because Landrieu has time and time again said that she still supports Obamacare. In fact, she perpetuated a falsehood that healthcare premiums would decreased because of Obamacare. That has clearly turned out to be untrue.

On her Louisiana residency, Landrieu said her “home has always been Louisiana.”

In reality, Landrieu lives in a $2.5 million Washington, D.C. mansion going as far to list it as her primary residence. Also, it would be easier for Landrieu to run for office in D.C. than it is for running for the Senate in Louisiana.

On her “clout” in Washington, Landrieu said “We have a lot of clout in Washington.”

In reality, we’ve outlined how much “clout” Landrieu has in D.C. here, here, here and here.



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