Anywhere But California, This Would Be A Big Political Problem


A senior aide for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) was arrested Tuesday for attempting to bring marijuana into the Hart Senate Office Building, according to U.S. Capitol Police reports.

Marcus Stanley, who served as a senior economic adviser and at one time worked on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee — chaired by Boxer — was stopped by a police officer Tuesday morning when he allegedly tried to “remove and conceal” a leafy green substance from his pocket during a security screening at the Constitution Avenue door of the Hart building around noon, according to a Capitol Police report.

You’ve got to be a true genius to think you can bring dope into Hart. Security there is just like an airport. You’re going to get busted trying to bring dope in there.

Which more or less makes ol’ Marcus a dope. But he’s a “senior economic advisor” to Boxer. She’s pretty dopey on economics, so I guess we know where that dopeyness comes from – Marcus The Dope’s dope, more or less. Nevertheless, Marcus got R-U-N-N-O-F-T but quick. He’s no longer in Ma’am’s employ.

They have lots of dopes in California, so this may not be as big a deal as it would be someplace else. Still, you’ve got to think Carly Fiorina’s people are having a good ol’ time with this one.

If they do a little oppo research they’ll uncover another superstar in Ma’am’s Hall Of Fame. She had a guy named Jeffrey Rosato as a “senior advisor,” but he doesn’t work there no more. He’s busy – well, not so much. Let’s say he’s otherwise occupied these days.

In federal prison.

Rosato, it seems, got caught swapping kiddie porn online with another degenerate kiddie cruncher who got stung by a Fed. He had to go away. “Sen. Boxer has zero tolerance for crimes against children, and the employee was immediately terminated,” Ma’am’s spokesma’am said at the time. That was good news, because Ma’am being from California and all, some might have figured that when one of her senior advisors got pinched on a pedophilia beef that she might have been down with the kinder her damn self. Glad she set that one straight.

Incidentally, POLITICO says Marcus The Dope is the fourth Congressional staffer to get busted bringing drugs into Hill offices this year. POLITICO doesn’t note that any of those staffers were Republican staffers, which means none were. You can bet your sweet bippy if they had been, POLITICO would be quite gleeful in making you aware of it.



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