If you choose to be a part of this information war raging just below (and just above) the surface level details of life and politics, you will notice that either some very smart people or God himself is doing something quite remarkable.
The individual stories comprising larger narratives are coming and going and coming again in ever-so-subtle drops in order to weave a certain message to anyone willing to listen.
That message is that this information war is really the Biblical war of Good vs Evil, one that Good has already won, one that He is inviting us to in order to share in its eventual manifest victory.
This is what makes the current political landscape more than “just politics.”
Kathy Edmonston, Louisiana State Representative from District 88 and member of the Louisiana Freedom Caucus, ran a post this past Friday titled “Vaccine Notification to Parents–A Breath of Fresh Air Is Here.” It is a piece that highlighted a new bill she introduced that requires total transparency regarding vaccines, students, and their parents. On the surface, it appears to be just regular political talk of things going on in Congress that don’t matter to the everyday Louisianan.
We must also never forget about the actions of Edwards during his handling of COVID. The destruction of our individual freedoms, and more specifically the rights of parents, must be addressed so we can make sure nothing like what Edwards inflicted on the people of Louisiana can ever happen again.
This is one of the reasons I am again bringing back my vaccine notification bill this session which will stop tyrants like Edwards from hiding the truth about what the law is in Louisiana. My bill, HB47, requires that schools must provide information on the procedure to submit for vaccine exemptions any time they communicate with parents about vaccine requirements.
Louisiana law, RS 17:170E allows for a parental opt out process, yet schools do not inform parents of their choices. In the over 20 years I worked in the education system, I saw firsthand that no one was being fully informed about these parental prerogatives that impact their children’s health and life–not the teachers, not the administrators and most certainly not the parents. My vaccine bill will change that.
This is the third time I have offered this bill. Last year it passed both the House (unanimously) and the Senate, and went to Edwards desk where it was vetoed. In the House we managed to vote to override, but the override vote failed in the Senate.
It is below the surface, at least “below” because our society’s collective focus is more on games and circuses, that the true story lies here.
When in actuality it is the only part of the story that will matter, eternally so.
This isn’t just the next bill in a list of bills no one should care about as they look forward to the next LSU baseball game or ache for the fall and Saturday nights in Tiger Stadium (guilty, for sure, Geaux Tigers!). It is one of those little drops that are beginning to fall like pattering rain on a windowsill that should wake up anyone still indulging in their deliciously blissful nap.
Hayride contributor Jeff Sadow said this in a post last week titled “Four Years In, Recall LA Pandemic Villains, Heroes.”
We cannot just blindly move forward as the Democrat-RINO-globalist machine is constantly saying we should do, as if sweeping Doritos under the couch at all cleans up the mess after some Saturday night frat house debauchery. Sadow opined regarding former Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards:
Even if he backed off from his goal of forcing vaccinations and/or frequent testing on state employees for its impracticality and bad optics (by the fall of 2021), for a time he tried to strongarm educational institutions into forcing their employees and students to have the same. Colleges were allowed free rein, and they stupidly did, to impose such rules. Worse, he pushed through a rule forcing that vaccination on school children that, again, proved so at odds with the science and public that only months later he had to retreat sheepishly.
Chalk up his enthusiasm for defying the science to his leftist impulse towards command and control, where mandates increased government power. As well, being a politician who focused more on retaining power than in deferring it to allow individuals greater autonomy, he fell prey to the zero COVID fantasy and attendant myths (such as acquired immunity wasn’t as good as vaccination, vaccines would prevent spread, and a host of others) to stave of fear that his political standing would be injured significantly with every single death that could be traced back to the virus.
Which ended up spreading blood on his hands. While overaggressive pandemic policies may have saved some lives, statistics would verify over time that on net they cost more. People couldn’t access crucial medical interventions and restrictions produced mental stress that, the data showed, led to Louisiana ranking among the highest in excess deaths not attributable directly to the virus.
It is something I personally have been harping on since summer 2023 at RVIVR and have continued at The Hayride. Hayride was on top of this from the beginning, even when, as I distinctly remember it on a personal level, some readers were going so far as to say the site had become a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory conglomerate. How well did that arrogance and ignorance age? We cannot forget things. We cannot forget what they did to us and what they are planning to do again on a much larger scale.
Hayride publisher Scott McKay provides a similar reminder about Haiti this week in his column in The American Spectator.
Do you see what I mean when I say the drops, the little stories, are coming back around at a steady and manageable pace for everyone to reevaluate? We all have a different lens now than we did in 2020. At least we should. And the contrasts that should be forming between alleged conspiracy theories (and Trump’s a racist bigot stories) before and the new obvious realities now should be all the lessons one would ever need to comprehend the truth of how the world has turned for so long.
This can no longer be politics as usual, not if you want to join this incredibly dangerous yet soul-fulfilling war that out-intrigues any binge on Netflix or any trip to Tiger Stadium you could ever imagine.
The flesh side of me hopes we’re wrong about all of this. But boy, I doubt it. May God reward you if you are in the fight.
LANDRY CHALLENGE: Treat “Disease X” Far Differently Than JBE Did With Covid
Let’s Revisit That Mask They Were Insisting We Wear
Three Years Later, Let’s Not Fall for This Again
People Are (Still) Waking Up to the Real Enemy, and We May Have Covid to Thank for That
Doctors’ 2020 Warning About Lockdown Should Inspire Resistance NOW
YOU DON’T SAY: Fauci Tells CNBC What Many Americans Have Been Shouting from the Rooftops (May 2020)
WHAT LIES BENEATH: ABC and Stanford Say “No Way” to Chinese Lab-Created Virus (April 2020)
“HERD IMMUNITY”: Epidemiologist Says Lockdowns Are Only Prolonging Coronavirus Issue (April 2020)
TO HOPE OR NOT TO HOPE: Scientists Have Possibly Developed a Wuhan Vaccine, But… (4 April 2020)
Obviously, I do not expect a large portion of our readership to read all of that. I provide it as a sort of proof and confessional, the confessional coming with that very last one dated 4 April 2020. That article, as I reflect back and peruse my catalogue of posts, was a turning point, and you’ll see that if you read it. It is a post that puts out there for the world to see one man’s–my–cognitive dissonance being broken. To that point, in the few weeks from March 13, I had given government authorities and the legitimacy of this “virus” a chance. Even though I–and so, so many other giants I built my understanding on–smelled a rat when we were sent home for two weeks to flatten the curve, I gave obedience a chance, if for no other reason but because of the Fourth Commandment.
People want to be able to trust those in charge during difficult times. We want to be able to trust that those in charge are in authority because they are handing down to us the ultimate authority of God Almighty. So we want to trust that it is good.
We have learned that it is not. These people are not working under the Sovereign King. In fact, many of them are actively and knowingly working against him.
This is Biblical.
That list right there is a diary entry that I have both the pleasure and the potential pain of exposing to the public. Most of us don’t have to do this. Most of us can hide. So I, and I’m sure so many others if they had the chance right now, ask you–will you join us in the fight for truth and the continued freedom to hail God as our Sovereign King and Lord? Will you risk shame and loss of earthly passions to fight for that King and Lord?
All it entails is spreading the truth about our enemies, the Enemy. All it means is seeing the eternal consequence of a seemingly ho-hum everyday bill such as Edmonston’s. Most any little that is currently coming out in the political realm is bigger than we can imagine, and we thank Rep Edmonston for shouting for truth, for fighting against evil.
-Julian Assange, prisoner for truth
May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.
Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, aspiring ghostwriter and podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.