The “Haters will say this is AI” post by Musk should tell you everything you need to know about his true history with Trump.
Do these two seem like enemies or even anything other than close allies after recent developments? I’ll post this just for your sheer enjoyment, if you’d like to click on it and see the dance.
With Musk being in the news again concerning something woke or concerning censorship, specifically with our newly minted boxing gold medalist in the “female” category of the Olympics, I figured I’d bring even more attention to both Musk and the story.
Exposure seems to work so well with the cockroaches.
Below are a number of articles I’ve written following Musk’s work through Twitter/X in 2022. From the beginning, this purchase, or takeover, seemed coordinated with a bigger plan, especially with what he began exposing from the very start. It may have been the first time you could see the material info in the info war being disseminated in a controlled, easy-to-digest, linear fashion, which runs counter to the asymmetric, complex flow of life and the confusion the Deep State always promotes. It was completely different from what we were experiencing when Twitter was the engine of that Deep State’s illusion, its matrix, its system of mass psychosis.
Remember, it is the illusion that is the Enemy’s greatest weapon.
Still, it should say something about us as Americans, and not anything good, that so much would eventually be exposed through the Twitter Files, and yet as a collective we still remain in the dark, with so many of us doubling down on woke, wrong thinking and continuing to shame the “conspiracy theorists.”
Here is a post (and a thread underneath) you should check out. Just click on the image. It all points to Musk being a much more important player in the war than many understand:
Luckily, we’ve come a long way since 2020 and then 2022 when Musk was deployed. But we still have a long way to go. As is my way at times, I like to present the context of recent history as a connection to a recent hook, and that hook couldn’t be any shinier than the meltdown the government-media apparatus had before the Trump-Musk interview. One billion views later, is there any doubt that Trump won 2020 and that there’s no way outside of a steal that he can lose 2024? We shouldn’t care what seeming “stagnation” there appears to be in his campaign or if he does in fact fire his campaign managers; the American people have already proven they want to see if he can actually do everything he’s said he wants to do, and their increasing support even after all the white murders of him illustrate that. They’re not going to suddenly vote for Harris or Hillary or anyone else Obama might throw out there just because there seems to be a little down time in the campaign. Personally, I don’t see a thing different–such has been the nature of the battle for years–but apparently some commentators do.
I invite you to read these excerpts and put it together. Musk has been doing some of the lifting for Trump and the operation in recent years, just as others have done. RFK, Jr right now is a perfect example, and I’ll try to put something out soon on that. It is obvious once you see it. There are actors all over the board right now, and if you take a step back to see it, if you try to not see the face who’s delivering the info and instead assess the info by itself, you’ll see a whole lot more clearly the progress on the battlefield and that arguing politics like our fathers did just doesn’t paint the clearest picture anymore. When did it ever?
We Will Have to Join Forces With People We Don’t Like to Save This Country
Politics and Potential Theater in Republican Race
No, Musk and Trump are not the ultimate answer, but remember, Moses didn’t cross over into the Promised Land with the Israelites either. These are means to ends. God works through any and all, and usually it’s with baby steps because he loves us that much. He wants us to actually see it.
And change. And repent.
Trump isn’t just on the battlefield. He is the battlefield. Nothing the Left or Kamala or the media does is not connected in some way to Trump. They have nothing to offer on their own–they have only a negation of Trump.
This is why in some ways Trump has already won, and another reason to see why it is impossible for him, in a fair election, to lose.
I don’t love that, as I wish Jesus Christ was the battlefield, but there’s nothing I can do about that. It’s reality. And right now Trump seems to be the only way to exposing Lucifer himself because people simply won’t turn to Christ in persona.
The info war is a public, palatable facing of the deeper shadow war raging behind the scenes. You can see puffs of it from time to time, much more so in the last ten or so months. Ultimately, though, even deeper than “shadow war,” this is a holy war. This is a war God has blessed us with, to fight for truth, to fight for him, to fight for his kingdom.
Enjoy a little recent history. I have no more commentary after….
Elon Musk Is Helping Us See the Darkness Others Would Have Us Forget
What we have at the head of Twitter now in Musk, however, is a player who appears to want to call out every single snake in the grass. To shed light on every shadow. Hasan and NBC included….
And now that there is a voice hinting at buried truths, trying to wake the everyday American up to some of these malicious players and practices, it is the Mehdi Hasans and NBCs of the world that want to virtue signal and discredit a “petulant” and “not-so-smart billionaire” shedding light in what dark alleys they hide.
The simple fact of the matter is that it won’t work anymore. Cable news numbers have been tanking for a long time and Americans are waking up by the millions. Too many people know at least enough of the truth now and will not be fooled again. An old saying goes, “Show me a man’s enemy and I’ll show you the man.” This applies to Donald Trump and it apparently applies to Elon Musk, because the more and more the deep state actors come out against him, the more we should be willing to pay attention to what he is saying, even if it does make us research even more deeply to see why Musk himself is pictured with Maxwell in 2014.
The Ghislaine Maxwell trial would follow in the summer of that year 2022, a story I also covered.
Elon Musk’s “Purchase” Is Surgically Ripping Apart Enemy of the People Twitter
Having put up his $44 billion bid under the assumption that bot activity on the site was limited to five percent or lower, Musk has recently redirected. New information has surfaced that bot activity could be 20 percent or more.
Donald Trump, Jr tweeted an interesting point today:
“Judging by the speed and volume of replies to my tweets (many faster than someone could read my tweet, formulate a response and type it with all of them being totally off topic as well) there’s literally ZERO % chance that Twitter is less than 5% Bots.”
Many will remember that when President Trump was still on Twitter, there would, instantaneously, be hundreds of well-conceived responses to his tweets.
Tweeted Musk on Friday, “Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users.” …
Elon Musk, I believe, knows all of this and knew it all along. The details involving this evolving story are too clean. They have happened with stunning alacrity. It is all a little too tidy to be coincidence.
He is forcing them into a corner. He is pressuring them to prove that the bot activity is in fact at five percent or lower, which he knows won’t happen. He is exposing all of this for the many advertisers (who weren’t even marketing to real consumers!) and shareholders who have always been under a false impression. Simply put, the value of Twitter is greatly nullified with every percent increase of bot activity. He may be pushing for a better deal, yes, but whatever his end goal may be with the company, he is absolutely exposing them for the cockroaches they are.
He has caught them in a massive fraud on the American people.
This is significant in relation to election interference before the 2020 election and the influence of public opinion before that November, among so many other things. Remember the Hunter laptop story that was squelched.
Like Him or Not, Elon Musk is Injecting Important Trial into American Conversation
The trial involves the 2016, then-Presidential candidate Donald Trump, and treason. It involves an October 31, 2016 tweet–and so much more, of course–by Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and the Trump-Russia accusations that dragged on for years (and many still believe just as they were fed it). In the tweet, Clinton said, “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.”
Six years later, as though (s)he were waiting for this very moment and this very Sussmann trial to take place, a Twitter user replied to that tweet and attached Elon Musk to it. This was the exchange:
Translation: Elon Musk is agreeing that Clinton’s 2016 tweet falsely claiming Trump was tied to a top Russian bank is misleading information. He even tweeted, in his typical mysterious, humorous, and ambiguous way, “Sus Man” Friday night.
What is so important about this story at this point–what Musk’s current popularity is exposing–is that it was Clinton’s former campaign manager, Robby Mook, who testified against her.
“We discussed it with Hillary,” Mook said on Friday. “She agreed with the decision.”
Readers may think I’m crazy, but I think Hillary is waiting in the wings to play a prominent role in the 2024 election. I’ve addressed this notion that Trump and company “caught them all” several months back.
Elon Has a Word for Old Joe’s Disinformation Czar. We Probably Have More
These issues for Legit Czar Jankowicz alone include the peddling of rampant misinformation and stances that didn’t exactly age well.
Pushed the Russia-gate narrative. Check.
Claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation right before the 2020 election. Check.
Tweeted “#ImWithHer,” sharing a quotation that “A Donald Trump presidency would embolden ISIS.” Check.
Doubled down on the completely unsubstantiated notion that, under a Trump presidency, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would have been worse. Check.
Check check and check. We could go on and on with the examples.
Remember that “disinformation czar” thing? Note all the items Jankowicz peddled that turned out to splash egg on her face. Note all the items the American people know about now with the perspective of history and time.
The following article is the one where it is best illustrated what I mean when I say I believe some of these public squabbles between Trump and others are both for show and to troll the mainstream media into a decision it cannot ultimately make. It also speaks to the use of foils and “actors” that carry out parts of the operation for which Trump sits on the sidelines. We heard that in the Musk interview (I’ve seen it in recent rallies and interviews too) where time and time again he deflects any notion that there was malfeasance involved–even though it is abundantly obvious. He lets Musk, others, do the fighting for him, because ultimately it is the information penetrating the public consciousness that matters, not who delivers it. Deflection, in a good way.
These People Are Stupid. Or, What an Elon Con Job
Musk & Trump
In previous posts following the Elon Musk-Twitter saga, I have been careful to call the mega-billionaire the presumptive new owner of Twitter, owing to the fact that the entire context didn’t seem to be as clear-cut as it may have appeared at first glance. There was even seemingly combative and contradictory words being tossed around by Devin Nunes of Truth Social, Donald Trump, and Musk himself.
‘This is False’: Elon Musk Disputes Devin Nunes’ Claim Trump ‘Encouraged’ Him to Buy Twitter
‘Terrible Name:’ Elon Musk Mocks Donald Trump’s Truth Social
Trump says he won’t return to Twitter even with Elon Musk in charge
Trump calls Elon Musk a ‘bulls*** artist’
It all had and still has a feel of theater to it, maybe even a chess game, as if a trap was being set the whole time.
I use the word “contradictory” above (preceding the article links) because, regardless of what wild words Musk and Trump toss around like a Hacky sack, the common, all-important moral high ground they always shared was this–to expose the insidious corruption of Big Tech in general, for the good of America. There was really no pressing reason for them to be snipping at each other like two teenagers in a locker room after PE, except for one thing….
To force this story–complete with all its nuances–into the mainstream media, where yet another trap was awaiting.
Consider this: The fact is that, where this little skirmish stands, the corporate media doesn’t know which villain to attack. Consider the fact that this whole saga has gotten so twisted that they are now caught not knowing where exactly to inject their bullsh*t, propaganda-laced narratives.
Are we supposed to be promoting Trump or Elon?????? Yikes! Email us our marching orders earlier in the morning, please! We don’t know what exactly to parrot to the American public! We don’t know exactly what it is we are to tell them to think!
Propaganda-driven media are not set up to be complex and critical in their thinking and presentation of storylines to Americans. They have long manipulated the public with the false binary of Black vs White, Republican vs Democrat, Capitalist vs Communist, etc. in order to turn us against each other, to squash critical thinking, and ultimately to distract us from the only binary that matters–good vs evil.
Now that tactic is boomeranging on them.
Now that this Elon Musk-Twitter deal has hit this juicy plot twist, it is baffling their minds as to exactly where to place him and where to place Donald Trump on the heels of the President’s remarks in Alaska over the weekend.
Which “bullsh*t artist” are we supposed to be rooting for? Which one of these our former darlings are we supposed to be shoving down the American public’s throat???
Supporting Trump backs the MAGA movement, the clear enemy of the Deep State and its corporate media megaphone. Supporting Musk backs the embarrassing takedown of the other integral mouthpiece the Deep State has employed to control the sleeping masses–Big Tech.
Millions and millions more will continue to witness these hypocrisies play out, and they will continue to connect more and more dots. People are waking up, patriots are rising up, all over the world.
Information war at its finest, is it not?
Trust Him or Not, This Man Injects This Topic Into National Conversation
On Tuesday, Musk claimed on X/Twitter that he suffered major symptoms after receiving the Covid jab.
“How many other people out there have symptoms that are actually from the vaccine or Covid treatment, rather than Covid itself?” he said.
It is a question that answers itself and one that so many American people saw right through when this mad rush to push the vaccine illegally onto people originally began.
Replying to a commenter, Musk said: “My concern was more the outrageous demand that people *must* take the vaccine and multiple boosters to do anything at all. That was messed up.”
At the conclusion of this article is the post and the video. I invite you to spend five minutes reading the comments as well. The conversation is alive, and patriots are being heard.
In January Musk made a similar statement on X, posting, “I’m pro vaccines in general, but there’s a point where the cure/vaccine is potentially worse, if administered to the whole population, than the disease.”
He injects his own personal experience as a confession to deflect any counterargument. He has recently done this concerning what he said the “woke mind virus” did to his now transgendered son. His argument concerning the vaccines and boosters seems more personal to the listener than a political ploy. Smart, while obviously genuine.
Elon Musk Is Putting a Big Fat ‘X’ on State Media Matters
Furthermore, Trump‘s social media site Truth Social has also filed an unprecedented defamation lawsuit incorporating twenty media companies. While it does not directly put the ‘X’ on Media Matters, the spirit of the move is all the same.
“To the Fake News outlets that think themselves above accountability: we’ll see you in court.”
There is a lot more to this developing story that every American patriot should investigate. Media Matters is indeed pure evil, intentionally misleading its consumers about key stories that help shape our nation and public opinion. One such story involves the 2020 Election, including the Italygate angle, which I presented just last week. Here is the Media Matters version of the story, the prototypically loud smear attempt for anyone even daring to challenge the state narrative: … [not included here]
Yes, Elon Musk has it all and the X over the target is great; the courts may even judge in his favor. Having Jesse Watters highlight Musk’s importance–see below–is a huge boon to the cause. Nothing can stop what is coming, sure, but if the right people in the adequate numbers don’t wake up to what is going on, a major victory in this information war will whisper away quietly into the night, and that will be a sad thing for both them as individuals and for us as a nation.
More timely crossover between Trump and Musk. Note the focus on the 2020 election and the US’s three letter agencies.
Right on Cue, Elon Musk Puts Rigged Elections on Public Trial
More recently, nearly three years to the day the US Presidency was stolen by Deep State globalists, Musk shed light on an issue that has been a thorn in the side of many an American who have seen, with their own eyes, the unquestionable evidence that Trump’s landslide victory was robbed and a proxy puppet was placed in his stead. Here is Musk’s tweet with the clearly suggestive statement “The only question is how common it is.”
This is not a “question” and Musk knows it. It is a style of online posting he has long established. Trump does it as well when he is not being outright brazen, in both his posts and his seemingly “off” verbal comments. It is a common tactic, and a quite respectful one, to meet people–who are still not in the know–on their ground and using their language, not being too aggressive with the rhetoric so that a conversation can actually be had.
It is the common sense tactic of breadcrumbing the masses to allow their cognitive dissonance to be as low as possible when new information comes their way. It gives their minds time to adjust to what massive evil and corruption actually exists in this world and right here in this very country. I’ll never understand why so many well-meaning people don’t recognize that much of the world equates “America” with the cesspool in Washington DC–the same cesspool those same well-meaning people despise. Joe Biden is “America” to much of the world. Barack Obama. George Bush. Much of the world hates America for the same reasons revivalist, conservative patriots hate the infiltration of our government, media, and organizations across the country…..
Several dots are floating. Some of it is pro-Trump. Some of it seems against the Trump narrative. But that is the point.
Let the people decide.
“That this happened is beyond a reasonable doubt,” Musk writes. “The only question is how common it is.” It is a post, clever as always, intended to be an invitation for the American public to take ownership for their part in this war. Yes, millions and millions have woken up, but we still need more boots on the ground. If you look at so many of Musk’s posts, including the one I covered in this Musk/vaccine story or the subtle mentioning of “the client list” in this one, you will see that very smart trend in his work….
We the People have to fight this fight with whatever “good guys” are doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes. This is our country, and if we don’t fight for it, then the extinctionists might very well have their way.
(Yikes, did I use the “E” word no one ever talks about? Forgive the subtlety. Elon dropped it first after all–exactly a month ago today, and a mere day before the bombing of Israel).
Umm, did he say extinctionists?
May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.
Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.