Quote Of The Day

Election Notebook, July 15

Elections Notebook, July 14 Edition

It’s Not The NAACP, It’s Obama

Quote Of The Day

Louisiana Senate/Congress Election Notebook

VIDEO – Fox & Friends Slams Obamoratorium

Good News: Jindal, Moret Announce Globalstar Move To Louisiana

Charlie Melancon’s Vancouver Problem

Quote Of The Day

Nation’s Largest Protest on Drilling Moratorium Planned

SHOCKING (Not Really): Vote Fraud, Felons Helped Franken Steal Senate Seat

Nope. He Won’t Rest.

Tonight: “LIFT THE GULF OIL DRILLING MORATORIUM” Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Bill Cassidy

Quote Of The Day

A List Of Terrifying Economic Facts You Probably Haven’t Seen

The Gulf Oil Spill Timeline

Barack Obama Makes A Great Case For Sharron Angle

GOP: Hey Charlie-Boy, Get Obama Down Here For A Fundraiser!

Gulf Oil Spill Updates, Thread #6