Can You Feel The Presidential Boot On Louisiana’s Throat?

Video: WSJ Editorial Staff Chuckling At Obama Drill Ban Statements

Obama Ignores Own Panel In Imposing Drilling Ban

Time for Another Royalty Sharing Battle

The Leader is a Paradigm

Obama Delivers Knockout Punch To Louisiana Economy

An Open Letter to President Obama

Downer Joins Party On Obama Drilling Ban

Louisiana GOP Hammers Obama On Drilling Ban

Landry Calls On Obama To Lift Drilling Ban Immediately

How Bad Is Obama’s Offshore Exploration Ban?

Protecting Louisiana’s Economy From The Effects Of Offshore Drilling Ban

Obama’s Man-Made Katrina

Additional Thoughts on Ryan’s Question (Below)

Did Ken Salazar Perjure Himself Yesterday?

Brownie The Prophet?

We Can’t Say This Is Why Liz Birnbaum Got Fired, But…

Macondo/Deepwater Horizon Spill Updates (2nd Thread)

CNG and Louisiana: A Perfect Fit

The Macondo/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, With Running Updates