After The Latest Mitch McConnell Surrender, Why Should Conservatives Even Bother Supporting Republicans

Here Is The Damaging Al Sharpton Footage The Media Is Ignoring

Elbert Guillory And Rob Maness: ‘Illegal Immigration Hurting Working Class, Minorities’

How Bobby Jindal Calling President Obama Unfit Shows That He Shouldn’t Be Dismissed For President

GRANTHAM: Congress Should Declare Total War Against The Islamic State

Coulter’s Excellent Question: If Dems Can Call Republicans Racist, Why Can’t They Be Called Unpatriotic?

The Walker-Giuliani Alinsky Assault

Mike Rowe’s Outstanding Takedown Of The Minimum-Wage Increase Arguments

SARGE: The Iron Taste Of Blood

The Giuliani-Obama Patriotism Imbroglio, And How The Left And Right Love America

New York Post Slams Obama With This Hysterical Front Page

God Bless Rudy Giuliani

Howard Dean, Scott Walker, Mike Rowe And A Pencil

NO SHOW: Cedric Richmond Is Skipping Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech

You Can’t Vote For Scott Walker – He Didn’t Finish College

AFTERBURNER: Measles And Vaccines

It Would Appear The Race-Hustlers Have Completely Jumped The Shark Now…

Melissa Harris-Perry Asks Eric Holder To Quack Like A Duck, Megyn Kelly Rips Her Apart

SARGE: Stand And Be Counted

Marc Morial Is Politically Relevant Again, At Least For Today