Star Bulldog wide receiver joins ladies book club [video]

GROSS: NCAA referee pleads guilty to molesting teenage boy

Can Democrats Win In Georgia And Texas?

Louisianans debate Constitutional Convention Process

School choice movement growing nationwide, surveys indicate overwhelming voter approval

GA Sheriff welcome sign: “If you kill someone, we might kill you back”

Why did it take Georgia 40 years to execute convicted ‘stocking strangler’ serial killer?

Home Depot Foundation Plans to train 20,000 Construction Workers through $50 initiative [video]

Georgia Lt. Gov. Slams Delta Over Stance on NRA

What Georgia Can Teach Louisiana About Cronyism For Businesses Like Delta

Georgia Bill Would Allow Public High School Coaches, Staff, to Pray with Students

2017: Odds of 95 to 1 More Likely to Die in Chicago than U.S. Military, Murder Rate Still Lower Than New Orleans, Baton Rouge

The Democrats’ True Selves Are About To Come Out In The Atlanta Mayor’s Race