Mr. Vice President, Can We Have A Word About Austin’s Liberal Housing Policy?

Louisiana Prisoner Moved To Oklahoma To Await Capital Punishment; You Can Thank Trump

Texas Named Worst State To Live In By CNBC (Hear That, Liberals?)

30-Year Celebrated Weatherman Reportedly Ousted Over Vaccination Refusal

Blue Wave Crashes: States Remain Largely Republican After 2020 Election

More than 50 percent of state legislative seats guaranteed to one major party in 12 states

Conflicting reports on U.S. shale industry’s projected collapse, growth

Want To Protest Fascism? Stand And Salute The Flag (And Your State Flag, Too)

President Trump: ‘I’ll Take A Look’ At Pardoning Joe Exotic

Teachers Unions On Rest of School Year: Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off

Why George Washington May Not Be Your First President

U.S. Supreme Court decision in Montana case could alter school choice restrictions across U.S.

Redistricting Supreme Court Decision Could Have Massive Effect On Southern Elections

Smoke Bombs, MAGA Hat Theft Underscore Effort To Pass Texas Campus Free Speech Law

Red River Rivalry: Oklahoma Jumps Ahead Of Texas By OK’ing Constitutional Carry

DISGUSTING: Thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh discovered by customs officials in South Korea

Pro-Life Bills Gain Momentum Across The South

Louisianans debate Constitutional Convention Process