Blue Wave Crashes: States Remain Largely Republican After 2020 Election

Just the beginning… dead people whose names were used to vote illegally in Georgia

Trump Campaign Calls for Full Hand-Count of Ballots in Georgia

ANALYSIS: Did Third Party Candidates Spoil The 2020 Election?

Georgia Election Official: ‘We Are Going to Find That People Did Illegally Vote’

Georgia state rep exposes voter fraud

Nearly 100 million Americans voted early; Hawaii, Texas already exceed 2016 turnout

College Board severing financial ties with China after mostly southern senators question its relationship with Chinese government

When you use federal money to pay back federal money: Georgia using CARES Act funds to repay federal loan

Incumbent Perdue faces challenge by Ossoff, Hazel

Hurricane Sally makes landfall, bringing torrential rain, storm surge and historic flooding

Report: U.S., Texas rank first in index assessing infrastructure project investment

More than 50 percent of state legislative seats guaranteed to one major party in 12 states

Gov. Kemp signs bill protecting law enforcement

Half a million incorrect absentee ballot applications sent out in Virginia, including to dead voters

Schools having difficulty retrieving thousands of digital devices sent to students for distance learning

Local governments in Georgia still waiting on CARES Act money

The Blue Flu Comes To Atlanta

Georgia Democratic Rep To Introduce Bill Classifying Attacks On Trump Supporters As A Hate Crime

Want To Protest Fascism? Stand And Salute The Flag (And Your State Flag, Too)