Report: San Francisco has more drug users than high school students [video]

Judicial Watch: We now have enough evidence to arrest Hillary Clinton [video]

Video: More than 100 law enforcement vehicles line up to defend barrier-less Texas town from 1800 illegals

CROUERE: More Democrats Enter A Race They Won’t Win

VIDEO: AG Whitaker to Dem Chairman: “Your 5 minutes are up”

Actor Robert John Davi’s take on New York child murder law [video]

Gross: Florida politician censured, fined, resigns after ethics findings of “licking men’s faces”

How did Netflix pay ZERO taxes in 2018 on $854 million worth of profit?

Blackface lynching photos emerge from UNC Chapel Hill 1979 graduation yearbook of NC Gov. Roy Cooper

John Roberts Saved Louisiana’s Abortion Industry Yesterday, But…

DEMPOCALYPSE: Nightmare Scenario Unfolds For Democrats In Virginia

ZOLA: How Supply and Demand Pushed Abortion Up to Birth, and Beyond

Did Any White Democrats NOT Wear Blackface In College?

Report: Largest metropolitan areas in Texas, Florida have most economic freedom; California, New York, Ohio have the least

Louisiana ranks near bottom in 2019 business climate index

SICK and CRAZY: 1700 Illegal Aliens reach Texas border [videos]

#SOTU: Trollin’ Trump And The Kitty Kat Klan

MASSON: Joe Rogan Bombs In Interview With Twitter CEO

Democrat Running For President Wants $100 Billion For Slavery Reparations

According to the New York “abortion” law people like John Franklin Stephens would be killed