The real “Russian Collusion” that should be on the front page of every newspaper worldwide

Google Chrome scans all the files on your computer: private photos, documents, spreadsheets [video]

One of the biggest Hillary Clinton Scandals yet: $84 Million Laundered through Campaign Finance Law violations

New Reuters poll: Less Millennials are voting Democrat

NEW POLL: Democrats Losing Support Among Millennials

Clapper Lying Under Oath Motivated Snowden to expose illegal NSA activities [videos]

CROUERE: It’s Time For Trump To Collect His Nobel Peace Prize, Right?

Gallup Poll: Latest Poll Points to Trump Winning Second Term

Abraham: Receiving Food Stamps Shouldn’t Be a Lifestyle

Sen. Cruz points out Trump’s exporting of U.S. oil is BRILLIANT

A Clever Way to Implement Term Limits [video]

Kenneth Preston’s Story Needs to be Heard [video]

I Met My Long-Lost Brother This Week (Photos)

Farm Bill: Partisan divide worrying farmers; SNAP work requirement could be moot

The Gun Control Nonsense Continues- This Time, With High School Suspensions

Secretary Pompeo Confirmed, Photos Released With Kim Jong Un

Way to go Kayne West: MAGA, “Trump is my brother”

GROSS: Thousands of tons of New York human waste stuck in Alabama with no plan for removal

Forbes Says Texas Is Stronger Than Russia

School choice movement growing nationwide, surveys indicate overwhelming voter approval