Yes… It SNOWED in TEXAS [video]

Best Book For Christmas: CLINTON CASH Exposes Ongoing Global Clinton Corruption [video]

Obama Appointed Judge Recuses Himself from Flynn Case; 5 Facts Just Don’t Add Up

YouTube Censors Polish Post on Illegal Migrants [video]

Why is the NFL Funding OPEN BORDERS?

First Lady Melania Trump Beautiful as Ever Visits Harvey Victims Post Flood

Houston-area Man Pled Guilty for Conspiring to Support ISIS

A New Way to Battle Breast Cancer in Baytown: Dancing [video]

Texas Hold ‘Em: Lt. Gov. Asks AG to Clarify Gun Laws for Churches

Another Texas First: First Baby Born in America From Uterus Transplant

Have You Ever Wanted to Marry Yourself? These People Have and Promote it as Healthy Lifestyle Choice

Is Sex with Animals Really Just Another ‘Lifestyle Choice’?

Cat Lovers Unite! Kind of… National Cat Day is Nothing Compared to Worldwide Cat Worship [video]

BLANKLEY: NYC Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov Was Just A Family Guy Who Committed Workplace Violence